Boston Metaphysical Society Webcomic, Kickstarter Campaign

Boston Metaphysical Society

Boston Metaphysical Society is a mouthful of a title for a Steampunk-inspired webcomic, but the hook is short and sweet: Think Victorian Ghostbusters. Madeleine Holly-Rosing is the writer/creator of the series about an ex-Pinkerton detective and his spirit photographer who battle supernatural forces in 1800s Boston, and features a supporting cast of well-known historical figures. From the official press release:

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“Unlike many steampunk stories which are set in Victorian England, this one takes place in America and involves such historical icons as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Nikola Telsa and Harry Houdini. But what really stands out is the character of Granville Woods, an African-American engineer who lived in the same time period.”

Ms. Holly-Rosing has completed three of the six intended chapters of the webcomic and is looking to raise $25,000 via Kickstarter in order to complete her project. Her campaign will end on November 15 and as of this writing, has managed to raise nearly $5,000. Incentives to back this project include a PDF of all six chapters ($10 or more), a softbound edition of the completed work ($25 or more), or, for the top-tier philanthropist ($750 or more), the opportunity to get killed by the work’s villain, The Shifter.

Do yourself a great service and check out the first three chapters of the series for free over at the Boston Metaphysical Society official website. Then, after reading the wonderful work that Holly-Rosing has to offer, go on over to her Kickstarter page and donate to help this series get finished. It’s the next best thing to Ghostbusters III ever getting made.

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boston, boston metaphysical society, Ghostbusters, kickstarter, steampunk, supernatural, webcomic

Greetings true believers! John is the Comics Director of GNN and when he isn't reading books with pictures and made up words, he can be seen on twitter @thisjohnd or on Facebook. To contact him the old fashioned way, his email address is [email protected].

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