In this installment of The 12 Pack, our friend Jared Bernal of Blu-Ray Rewind and Low Rent Radio joins us as an official “fill-in drunk geek” while Grover is imprisoned in The Phantom Zone.
This episode includes:
- Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATFLECK! (And more in our “Casting Roundup”)
- The Force is stronger on celluloid.
- Remember geeks… Dead men tell no tales. Now if someone would just kill Johnny Depp.
- We are The Justice League eh!
- Still up in the air about X-Box One? We’ve got launch titles!
- A Mad Scientist’s plot to clone John Lennon
- Yahoo spanks Google… for once.
- Double Stuf Oreos ARE A LIE!
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Cheers and enjoy!
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Episode Art Credit: Jeff Jones: /
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