12 PACK: Curiosity Grover


In this installment of the 12 PACK, Neil and James are once again joined their friend, Jim Miller from New Mutiny Media (While our 3rd Drunk Geek, Nick Grover, is still on hiatus)

This episode includes:

  • A quick update on “The Flash” (See what we did there?)
  • News on DC’s newest Television project – “Gotham”
  • Browncoats rejoice! Dark Horse Comics will continue where Serenity left off!
  • SteamOS, Steam Machine and Steam Controller!
  • Curiosity is at it again! And this time the adorable robot found water!
  • Foot cream that kills AIDS… how has no one discovered this before now?
  • Someone wants to build a real life “Rapture”

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Or listen to us directly from the online Stitcher Radio App: HERE

Cheers and enjoy!


Be sure and check us out on the interbutts!

Also! Visit Geek News Network for MOAR CONTENT at www.GNNAZ.com

Episode Art Credit: Jeff Jones:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Driven-Design/166324230036 / http://drivendesign-phx.com/


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