Talking Funny with Producer/Director Brian Volk-Weiss

Pay Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain: An Interview with Creative Wizard Brian Volk-Weiss I have to be honest...when one of my PR contacts...
andy weir the martian

An Interview with ‘The Martian’ Author Andy Weir

We sat down with Andy Weir recently to talk about his career; his latest novel, Project Hail Mary (which released on May 5), and his advice for aspiring writers. There’s also a brief review of Andy’s new novel after the interview.
wayne federman

A Stand-Up Guy: An Interview with Comedian Wayne Federman

We talk to comedian Wayne Federman, the guy who wrote the book on the history of stand-up comedy. Check it out!
johnny brennan

The (Jerky) Boys Are Back in Town: An Interview with Johnny Brennan

Johnny Brennan, the creator of the 90s prank call juggernaut The Jerky Boys, didn’t grow up making prank phone calls.
james murray

Don’t Move! | James Murray’s New Book is No Joke

Impractical Jokers James Murray creates a sinister new novel "Don't Move." GNN sits down with him to uncover his darker side.
John Moschitta Jr.

Catch up with Motor-Mouth Icon John Moschitta, Jr.

Micro Machines Man John Moschitta Jr. sits down with GNN to talk about his illustrious career as a fast-talking pop culture icon.
kate flannery

Not Just Another Day at The Office: An Interview with Kate Flannery

We got a chance to sit down with the extremely funny and talented Kate Flannery to talk about her career, how she developed her various talents, her time on The Office, and what she’s been up to since.
Snarky Jay Cosplay

Semi-Snarky Interview with Snarky Jay Cosplay

Snarky Jay is a south Florida-based cosplayer that’s been (snarkily) cosplaying for about four years now. Check out our interview!
james murray

A Joker Awakened: An Interview with Author and Impractical Joker James Murray

Check out our interview with Impractical Joker and author James Murray as well as a short review of his Awakened trilogy, the 3rd book releasing on the 23rd of June.
jim florentine

Every Interview is Awful (Except This One!) | An Interview with Comedian Jim Florentine

Check out our interview with stand-up comedian, actor, author and television personality, Jim Florentine. He is best known for co-hosting That Metal Show on VH1 Classic and voicing several characters on Crank Yankers.

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