January has ended, and that means one thing for the cosplay community… KatsuCon is just around the corner!
As usual, Valentine’s Day weekend will be flooded with posts from D.C.’s favorite convention where fans from both easts and wests coasts gather to share their love for all things comic books and anime. Whether you’re a cosplayer, anime watcher, video game player or anything else in between, KatsuCon will be the place to be this Valentine’s weekend.

For those of you more interested in seeing panels and meeting the guests, there is an exciting lineup of celebrities who will be coming to D.C. for KatsuCon. From voice actors like Johnny Young Bosch and Mike McFarland, to the musical visual kei band Initial’L, there are a variety of guests and presenters who will keep you entertained through the entire weekend.
As with every year, something we are most looking forward to is the Masquerade held at KatsuCon. The costumes we see at this convention never cease to amaze us with the level of intricacy and dedication to details that can be seen. Though online registration for the Masquerade is now closed, we highly encourage everyone to check out this event and cheer on your fellow cosplayers as they show off their hard work!

Get your tickets to KatsuCon now through their website or on-site when you get there! Currently, all prices are “At The Door” rates. So if you choose to wait until you’re more literally at the door of the con, you won’t be paying more than if you pay online today.
Will we be seeing you there?!