[EDIT] They just recently announced the cancellation of their Kickstarter and will get it restarted after the holidays. Keep up to date with their progress at their Facebook page!



Now funding on KICKSTARTER


ZERO COMPLEX follows a group of college students who must juggle the everyday challenges of college life with their utter passion for cosplay and their sudden calling to become crimefighters.

From the Phoenix filmmakers that brought you “RED SAND: a Mass Effect fan film,” which garnered nearly a quarter million hits on YouTube comes ZERO COMPLEX. The next step.

ZERO COMPLEX will be a complete 12-episode webseries. It will feature stories pulled right from the secret lives of geeks, actual news events – and of course the imaginations of the award-winning writers and producers. Ramrodded by filmmaker and film professor Paul DeNigris whose films and shorts have appeared in film festivals around the world, ZERO COMPLEX will be an independent project with extraordinary production value.

ZERO COMPLEX reflects the spotlight shone on the ever-burgeoning world of Comic-cons and cosplay. The time is ripe for a deeper if sometimes amusing look at the world of these fascinating uber-creative people who live their lives with one foot on the ground and the other on a fantastic cloud of imagination.

The Cast

ZERO COMPLEX’s world is a key element to the success of the series. Designing and creating this world from the characters formed in the minds of the series creators to the exciting and sometimes emotional stories to the incredible costumes designed by award winning costumer Nola Yergen. And don’t forget the amazing worlds of the characters that ZERO COMPLEX’s characters emulate. The writers and graphic designers and VFX artists have developed worlds as complex and as alive as those the most famous action heroes inhabit. The layers are profound: The world of the students. Their cosplay. The worlds of the character they cosplay as. And that includes all of the myriad intricate iterations those characters have been through in their history.

ZERO COMPLEX is a celebration of character as seen and experienced through the lives of characters. It will be exciting and fun to watch and just as exciting to discuss as these characters find their truest selves by donning masks and answering a high calling.

ZERO COMPLEX (2014, 12 – 8-10 min episodes) Created by Paul DeNigris and Steve Briscoe. Series written by Kris Kwan, Jace Oppie, Paul DeNigris and Steve Briscoe. Director of Photography Keegan Ead. Costume Design: Nola Yergen. Lead Costumer: Sarah Levinson. Art Directors: Stephen Failla and Evan Sprague.

MORE INFORMATION AT http://www.tinyurl.com/zerocomplexseries


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