12-pack-Neil-801x1024In this installment of the 12 PACK, Neil and James get a little help from their friend, Ryan Cleveland, from Pop Culture Paradise for this week’s early morning recording. Mimosas are sipped, Krispy Kremes are eaten and a “Ken Burns” style Martian Civil War Documentary is acted out.

This episode includes:

  • James Spader (The original Daniel Jackson) is cast as Ultron in Avengers 2.
  • New “Spawn” flick in the works?
  • Transformers… DINOBOTS in disguise!
  • Arrested Development MOVIE and 5TH SEASON… in DEVELOPMENT!
  • “Zeroes of Cosplay”
  • Mario Bros Comic Sequel. Not the game… the movie
  • Is Nintendo taking a back step with The 2DS?
  • Se Habla Klingon
  • The Grand Canyon is not so “Grand” anymore!


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Cheers and enjoy!

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Also! Visit Geek News Network for MOAR CONTENT at www.GNNAZ.com

Episode Art Credit: Jeff Jones:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Driven-Design/166324230036 / http://drivendesign-phx.com/


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