12 Pack: Priceless Bullshit

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It’s time for a weekly nerd news roundup! It’s time to crack open another 12 PACK!

In this episode of the 12-Pack: “Priceless Bullshit”…

-Tony Stark returns and Ryan Reynolds gets decapitated in this week’s Casting Roundup.
-No jackpot for Peter Parker in Amazing Spider-Man 2.
-BioShock’s Kevin Levine is going for a run… Logan’s Run.
– A few Star Wars-y changes at Disney World are coming.
-Star Wars: Saved by the Bell
-A Game of Consoles
-The FBI has authority to use drones to surveil on US soil.
-Meet the Taranis
-Instagram gets Video
-We now have a new way to vanquish the naked mole rat… WITH CANCER
-Your ice cream might soon be flavored by Moby Dick.
-Commander Dave Crunch.

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Cheers and enjoy!

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Episode Art Credit:@ Jeff Jones
( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Driven-Design/166324230036 / http://drivendesign-phx.com

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