A Quick Recap of Gen Con 2012!!

convention, gaming, gen con, indiana convention center, indianapolis, indy


The Geek News Network Team was lucky enough to catch a couple days of Gen Con Indy 2012 last week, a national convention that claims to be “The Best Four Days in Gaming!”

Wait! A gaming convention? What, like, you just go there and play games for four days?

The short answer: YES. But Gen Con Indy is much more than four great days in gaming. Held annually at the Indiana Convention Center, the convention featured a wide variety of activities and events that would keep anyone entertained.

Among the many game demos and convention cos-players, Gen Con Indy boasted the Magic the Gathering World Cup Tournament, hosted by Wizards of the Coast, an international film festival, and a host of vendors, artists, and publishers, including local artist Mike Schley. Check out the photo gallery below:

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There was even a 45,000 square foot life-size dungeon! Make sure to sign up early for next year, there is a long waiting list.

The Indiana Convention Center was nestled in a lovely downtown area, brimming with that friendly and nostalgic Midwestern character and envious actual high temps of 79 degrees.

Nearby, Moto GP was also being held downtown. If you can handle the extra crowds, it’s almost worth the journey to see wizards, storm troopers, and Spider-Man(s) walking the streets of downtown, with the roar of motorcycles engines rumbling along the busy streets at the heart of downtown Indianapolis.

The city has a lot to offer, and so does Gen Con. If you are a game lover, a casual nerd, or maybe just a convention-goer, GNN recommends it as a great experience, and well worth the trip!



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