Breaking News: Nolan to usher in “Justice League” movie with Bale returning as Batman?


Latino Review is reporting that Christopher Nolan has been handed the keys to DC Universe at Warner Bros and is now reviving the Justice League movie. And if that wasn’t news enough they are also reporting that the plan is to have Bale return as Bruce Wayne/Batman. The last we heard the Justice League movie was dead in the water. In my humble, and not so important, opinion that was fine. Batman is my man (my tattoo will attest to that), but I’m no too crazy about DC’s other properties. Joss Whedon pulled off the ensemble superhero movie no problem, but he’s good at juggling large amounts of characters, and it’s important to point out the Marvel has had a grand plan for their superhero properties since starting this thing off with the original Iron Man in 2008, DC and Warner Bros seem to be scrambling to pull something together. If they want to do something, they need to do it right and put together some kind of plan. I believe that Warner Bros has brought on Nolan to spear head the project, but I’m not so sure about the Bale aspect of it.

Justice League Scoop! from Mayimbe Media on Vimeo.

Does anyone remember what happened at the end of The Dark Knight Rises? The whole point of the movie was to end Bruce’s run as Batman, I don’t think he would be too keen to jump back into the cowl. Earlier reports stated that the Justice League would be a starting point for a new Batman franchise and that makes more sense to me. Latino Review cites their previous reports of breaking that Heath Ledger would play the Joker and Brandon Routh would be Superman as proof that their story is legit. This is all just speculation at this point so I wouldn’t hold your breath.

Whether or not Bale returns to the cape and cowl, or Nolan is producing/writing/directing, or whatever his role in this is, you can rest assured that I will be one of the first people in line if and when Justice League makes it to the big screen.

What are your thoughts on this news?


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batman, christian bale, christopher nolan, dc, justice league, superman, warner bros
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Watcher of movies. Writer of books. I love doing both and sometimes I even write about movies. Follow me on Twitter so you can keep track of my boring and uninteresting life @redsixx.

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