3 Drunk Geeks: Sham-Wowzers!

After a brief stint in rehab, The 3 Drunk Geeks have triumphantly returned to the world of Podcasting! Join Nicholas Grover, Neil Picard and...

The Mega Men Podcast #67: The Mega Review of E3 2014

Matt and Chris discuss The Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Pac-Man being in the next Smash Bros., the new open-world Zelda game,...

The Mega Men Podcast #66: A Little Bit of Milky Goodness

Chris and Matt talk about Twinkies, the best variation milk, obnoxious bumper stickers, iSketch, the plight of the acquaintance, being "friend zoned", taking time...

The Mega Men Podcast #64: Wii Wii Wii All The Way Home

Chris and Matt discuss the drug PCP, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Nick Nolte vs. Gary Busey, the 90's classic Surviving the Game, Demolition...

The Mega Men Podcast #63: You Can’t Pet a Godzilla

Matt and Chris dig deep into the new Godzilla movie, the 80's classic Prehisteria, the useless sport known as croquet, old people retirement games,...

Atomic Fallout Society Episode #1

The Atomic Fallout Society makes their début on GNN. Recorded via Fist Head Studio in Gilbert listen to Brian Smith, David Sabal, and Chris...

The Mega Men Podcast #62: Takes One to Know One

Chris and Matt argue about which game is better: Asteroids or Centipede. They also discuss NES Remix 2, The Odyssey gaming console, the leap...

The Mega Men Podcast #61: Hobbit Alarm Clocks

Chris and Matt discuss the people of Wal-Mart, the subjective nature of being objective, Beast Wars, Ren and Stimpy, Jurassic Park, the concept of...

The Mega Men Podcast #60: Save the Sharks

Matt and Chris discuss why Easter got in the way of their podcasting, candy that's too sweet, how Chris won a Wii U gaming...

The Mega Men Podcast #54: The Fish Men of Europa

Matt and Chris talk about their apartments' names, Neil deGrasse Tyson's groovy youth, NASA exploring the Jupiter moon Europa, how to make the ultimate...

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