The Mega Men Podcast

The Mega Men Podcast was created by childhood buddies Christopher and Matt in September, 2012. Though this is their first official podcast program, the two have worked extensively with one another on the now debunked The Geek Jock Podcast (2011). The show emphasizes silliness, pop-culture and a general love for combative arguing over the idiosyncrasies of existence. An average episode runs between 20-40 minutes. Christopher and Matt are both college graduates of Arizona State University where they studied Film. Between them, they have produced, written and directed over 20 film shorts, many of which have gone on to film festivals. They both moved to Los Angeles in hopes of breaking into the cinema industry they love so much. The Mega Man Podcast is an appropriate and dedicated piece of their career puzzles.

If you’d like to CONTACT either Christopher or Matt, send an e-mail to:

The Mega Men Podcast #34: Halloweenish PART I of II

Matt and Chris discuss all things Halloween, including the origin of the pumpkin, trick or treating, and the way it all smells. The topic...

The Mega Men Podcast #33: Everyone’s a Critic

Chris and Matt go through the Top 20 Best Selling Playstation 1 games and go deep into why everyone, including themselves, is a critic. You...

The Mega Men Podcast #32: Grand Theft Fat Ass

Matt and Chris discuss the brand spankin' new Grand Theft Auto 5, Dark Souls and why it's hard for overweight people to get laid. You...

The Mega Men Podcast #31: Explosive Shoes

Matt and Christopher talk about the badassness of Doom, Predator, Jurassic Park for the SNES, the upcoming Jurassic World, and other things with Jurassic...

The Mega Men Podcast #30: Statues of Cats

Matt and Christopher sit down with the members of the fast-rising band known as STATUES OF CATS. They discuss their music, origins, video game...

The Mega Men Podcast #29: Saved by the Bell on a Boat

Matt and Christopher have a nice, relaxed chat about the wonderful randomness of late night 90's television. You can listen to this episode via the...

The Mega Men Podcast #28: Puncturing the Batman Bubble

Matt and Chris discuss Ben Affleck as the newly appointed Batman and basically everything else having to do with the caped crusader. You can listen...

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