The Equalizer 2 | Movie Review

The Equalizer 2 (EQ2) sees the return of essentially everyone creatively involved in the original film, even marking the first sequel Denzel Washington has...

Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot | Movie Review

Movies about popular public figures are a dime a dozen. Some can be thrown away with nothing to offer, while others tell the story...

Hotel Transylvania 3 | Movie Review

Dracula has never been more frightened. The third installment of the Hotel Transylvania series brings new characters, new rivals, and new friendships as the lovable...

Sorry to Bother You | Movie Review

Racial tensions are high across America and the world as the President of the United States openly supports and practices racism and bigotry. This...

Skyscraper | Movie Review

Disaster movies have always been good, fun-loving, popcorn entertainment.  Towering Inferno and Poseidon Adventure are two that come to mind.  Both have star-studded casts...

The First Purge | Movie Review

The Purge franchise has consistently performed well with each new sequel, and that can be attributed to the marketing.  It invites you to a...

Whitney | Movie Review

Music biopics are nothing new. From Straight Outta Compton to the upcoming Bohemian Rhapsody, it’s no longer a question of if a popular musician...

Sicario: Day of the Saldado | Movie Review

In 2015, director Denis Villeneuve released his sleeper hit entitled Sicario. It was a bold, tense, and thought-provoking film that dealt with the escalating...

Uncle Drew | Movie Review

You don’t see as many sports films in recent years compared to what we used to see back in the 80s and 90s. Even...

Ant-Man and the Wasp | Movie Review

It’s a very hot summer in Arizona, and I am thankful for so many movies that I want to watch so that I can...

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