A Look at Wild Wild West Con 2013

  Click on an image to begin the slideshow. *Photos by David Johnson (dave@photographybydavejohnson.com). All rights reserved. **Please visit our Flickr page for more photos of events we cover!    

Bruce Boxleitner’s Lantern City

  Bruce Boxleitner's Lantern City is an epic and complex story of people, rigid social classes and crossing worlds. But at its heart is a...

Clockwork Couture Geek Chic

    Are you Geek Chic? You would have been if you had visited Clockwork Couture's Geek Chic event. The wonderful local artists in the courtyard...

Wild Wild West Convention 2013: Day Three

  My final day at the Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention started when I was steered into Rosa’s Cantina for a round of tea duelling...

Wild Wild West Convention 2013: Day Two

    The second Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention is definitely a bigger affair than it was two years ago!  The crowds were bigger, the panels...

Wild Wild West Convention 2013: Day One

  A temperamental grey sky ushered in the first day of the second Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention, and like many others, my arrival was delayed due...

The World of Steam – An Interview With Matt King

  Matt Yang King (Numb3rs, 24, David E. Kelley's Monday Mornings, and winner of theCAPE/Hollywood Foreign Press Young Screenwriters Award), is the producer, writer and...

How to Make an Awesome [Steampunk] Costume on a Budget

I only recently started attending comic conventions, of course with the help of my wonderful editor/publisher Hong Le and GNN!  The first one I...

The Aylesford Skull: Early Character Notes

A Note from the Author: The following is a random collection of working notes taken from scores of pages of such notes that I wrote...

Her Royal Majesty’s Steampunk Symposium

Her Royal Majesty's Steampunk Symposium aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA is less a convention and more of an experience.  It is...

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