We’re not sure yet if it’s “Man of Steel 2,” “Batman vs Superman,” or “Superman vs Batman,” but it is now confirmed that Wonder Woman will be appearing in Zack Synder’s follow-up to this year’s Man of Steel. Actress Gal Gadot has been cast in the sequel as Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), joining Henry Cavill (Superman) and Ben Affleck (Batman) to form DC’s World’s Finest Trinity. Gadot is certainly not a recognizable name, but she has been a featured cast member in the Fast and the Furious series, appearing as Gisele in the franchise’s fourth, fifth, and sixth installments. Synder issued the following statement regarding today’s casting announcement:
Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful female characters of all time and a fan favorite in the DC Universe. Not only is Gal an amazing actress, but she also has that magical quality that makes her perfect for the role. We look forward to audiences discovering Gal in the first feature film incarnation of this beloved character. [Deadline]
Gadot certainly looks the part and the decision to go with a relatively no-name actress might be in DC’s best interest given Marvel’s proven method of grooming stars in their line of films. This will be the first time Wonder Woman makes an appearance in a live-action film, so there will be a lot riding on Gadot’s performance. One has to imagine a Wonder Woman solo film is being talked about, as is the possibility for more Justice League members to make cameo appearances in the Man of Steel sequel, which could easily become a conduit for DC’s own movie universe.
The Man of Steel sequel opens on July 17, 2015.
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Greetings true believers! John is the Comics Director of GNN and when he isn't reading books with pictures and made up words, he can be seen on twitter @thisjohnd or on Facebook. To contact him the old fashioned way, his email address is john.dubrawa@gnnaz.com.