Geeks’ Night Out!!

Watch Tempe ‘Darth Mayor’ Hallman
power up his light saber for Geeks’ Night Out video!

Get ready to have your universe rocked with a video that is from a galaxy far, far away.

The Force is strong with Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman, as he and a merry band of about 50 Ghostbusters, Trekkies, storm troopers and other costumed characters made their way along Mill Avenue to promote Geeks’ Night Out, the Science of Fun.

Check out the one-minute video of their journey above. It’s a version of our Mayor that you have never seen before!

The event happens on Thursday, Feb. 16, from 5 – 10 p.m. at MADCAP Theater on Mill Avenue.

Geeks’ Night Out is Tempe’s tribute to all things science. From medical breakthroughs to science fiction, gadgets, entrepreneurship, hardware, software and research, Tempe celebrates smarts and creativity. This is a signature event with the Arizona SciTech Festival.

Here’s what you can expect at Geeks’ Night Out:



Visit for details on all aspects of Tempe’s free event or for more information about the statewide event.

And here is the Facebook event page if you would like to RSVP for the event:


Live long and prosper.

contests, downtown, geeks, madcap, mayor, music, nerds, phoenix comicon, photography, science, technology, tempe, theaters

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