Han Solo and Boba Fett to get their own spinoff movies.



It seems  I am a prophet. Yesterday I showed you those vintage pictures of Boba Fett gearing up and I stated that I would love to see a Boba Fett movie, and since we all know that the powers that be at LucasFilm and Disney follow GNN regularly they decided to grant our wish. Cinemablend is reporting from Entertainment Weekly that both Boba Fett and Han Solo, two of the coolest characters to come from the movies, will be getting their own movies.

“According to Entertainment Weekly, a young Han Solo would be the focus of one of the spinoffs, with the other revolving around Boba Fett “at the center of a rogue’s gallery of galactic scum.” Han’s story would, yes, be yet another origin story, although after a decade of superhero origins I think learning how a guy like that becomes so witty and badass might be a relief. And Boba Fett’s film, as you might imagine, would be about a gang of bounty hunters– something that could tie quite nicely into the rumored film inspired by Seven Samurai, but who’s asking us? There’s no director yet confirmed for either of them, but you might remember that Captain America director Joe Johnston really wanted to direct a movie about the guy, and we sincerely hope he’s at least getting a phone call today.”

I could care less about a Yoda movie, but I can tell you I will definitely be. at least, mildly excited about these two. Kidding, I’ll be there on opening day. The Boba Fett one has been floating around or years because, as the article states, Joe Johnston has been talking about it. This is all early stages of course, but if they were to move forward with these two movies I think it would be cool to have some sort of cross-over between the two.

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Boba Fett, disney, han solo, Joe Johnston, lucasfilm, star wars
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Watcher of movies. Writer of books. I love doing both and sometimes I even write about movies. Follow me on Twitter so you can keep track of my boring and uninteresting life @redsixx.

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