Jack In The Box “The Bacon Insider Burger” Taste Review


Several weeks ago I made mention of a new and enticing sandwich known as the Bacon Insider Burger, which debuted in January.  With the assistance of Jack In The Box, I had the opportunity to try this new concoction of epic proportion and have assessed its merits.

I should preface my review by stating that I am a bacon enthusiast. Whenever an establishment feels inspired to present bacon in an exciting, new way, I throw caution to the wind, as well my health, and venture forth to see what all the hullabaloo is about.  Bacon is an indulgence even vegetarians can’t ignore.  So with that in mind, I apologize in advance for my prose of savory delight.

As I take my first bite, we begin with the brioche bun, so soft and unassuming. The first strong flavor is one of a smoky, bacon aroma, which engulfs the senses instantly.  I believe this to be the work of the bacon mayonnaise, so cleverly placed on the lettuce. It is a welcome addition and one other restaurants should consider if they haven’t already. The juicy tomato gives way to the six half-slices of bacon.  You are fully reminded who the star of this show is, but if that wasn’t proof enough we are given one more performance of our main attraction and that lies just beneath the American cheese. A beef patty infused with bits of bacon inside.  Or for expediency sake, can also be referred to as “bork”.

Each bite is a balance of salty and savory making this burger stand apart from the pack.  I cannot find any way to improve on this design, except maybe to fry the lettuce in bacon to add another layer of obsession.  Were I to complain about the size of the burger, I’d be in the wrong since it is reasonably priced and aptly abundant. If anything not only will it pleasantly satisfy your cravings, it ensures a repeat visit.  If only to confirm your earlier inclinations.  The house of bacon shall not fall as long as this burger stands.

The Bacon Insider Burger does not disappoint.  It promises a bacon feast and delivers with reckless abandon.  Should your curiosity reach a boil, I suggest you inquire within.  You can compliment your appetite with some sweet potato waffle fries perhaps.

To conclude I enjoyed this burger very much and I recommend it to any and all bacon lovers, from the mightiest lumberjack to the humblest hopscotch Olympian.  I give praise where praise is due and Jack In The Box has earned its place in the echelons for legendary feats of bacon aptitude, if such a thing existed.  I could keep writing, but this review makes me hungry all over again.  Until we meet again, may all your meals bring a smile to your napkin.

Stayed tuned for a giveaway of Jack Cash giftcards courtesy of Jack In The Box.


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