MARVEL NOW! Creative Team Changes For Two Titles *UPDATED x3*

It seems like Marvel is starting to tease us with some upcoming creator changes for November.

First up is Invincible Iron Man which will be written by Kieron Gillen (Journey Into Mystery) and art duties by Greg Land (Uncanny X-Men). Check out the banner here:


Also Marvel announced, what I am assuming, Thor changes with Jason Aaron (Scalped) on writing duties and Esad Ribic (Ultimates) on art. Check out the banner here:


So what do you guys think about the changes so far?

Marvel just announced Hulk Indestructible with writing duties by the legendary Mark Waid (Daredevil) and art duties by Leinil Francis Yu (Supercrooks).


I will be first in line for this one!

Let’s keep em coming Marvel, Today they announced the new creative team behind Deadpool! In November we welcome writers/comedians Brain Posehn and Gerry Duggan (The Last Christmas) and on art duties will be none other than The Walking Dead co-creator Tony Moore!


Who is ready for some chimichangas!

Marvel hit us big this time with announcements today!

First up Solider which will be written by Rick Remender (Venom) and art by John Romita JR. (AvX)

Next up is a new X-book titled Legacy which will be written by Simon Spurrier(X-Men: Curse Of The Mutants) and art by Tan Eng Huat (Thor: First Thunder)

Alright this keep this ball rolling, next is a new team talking over Fantastic Four which will be written by Matt Fraction (Hawkeye) and art by Mark Bagley (Avengers Assemble). Check out the Family banner here:

Lastly this one could either be a new FF book or maybe a Stilt-Man book (I Hope!). Anyways, it will be written by Matt Fraction (Hawkeye) and artwork by the master guru-Mike Allred (Madman). I can only hope Laura Allred (Mike’s wife) will be coloring his work. Check out the banner here:


captain america, deadpool chimichangas, fantastic four, FF, hulk indestructible, invincible iron man, marvel, Marvel now, thor worthy, x-men
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Lover of Comic books, film, television, fresca and video games. Check out my blog to see what kind of shenanigans I got going on, or check out my twitter for up to date ramblings @dweebofthedead.

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