Phoenix Vul-Con 2012!!


artists, board gaming, ccg, charity, convention, designers, exhibitors, gaming, interviews, miniatures, prizes, programming, roleplaying, sponsors, strategy


Veni: I Came


Vul-Con is an organization that was founded to foster and grow the Strategy Gaming Hobby and the Community of Hobbyists. The goal is to provide top notch Strategy Gaming Conventions, Mini-Cons, and Charity Events. The main event, Phoenix Vul-Con 2012 is quite simply the Southwest’s Coliseum of Strategy Gaming. There will be more to see, to do, tournaments, scheduled gaming, open gaming, premium events, cool dealers, guests, with over 30,000 sq. ft. of Strategy Gaming convention space.


Phoenix Convention Center. Feb 25th-26th




Vidi: I Saw


  1. Paul Guinan:  Artist, Heartbreakers, Boilerplate
  2. Andrea Angiolino: Game designer, Wings of War
  3. Stephen Missal: Artist, Wizards of the Coast, Cthulhu
  4. Andy Chambers: Game designer/Author, Warhammer 40k, Dust Warfare
  5. Paolo Parente: Game designer/Artist, Dust/Magic the Gathering
  6. Todd VanHooser: Game designer/Author, Adventures Under the Laughing Moon
  7. Kenneth E. St. Andre: Game Designer/Author, Tunnels and Trolls
  8. Caribean Sera: Model/Actress/Costumer, Laughing Moon Girls, The D20 Girls



Paolo Parente –  Interview on Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare and QA

Andy Chambers –  Interview on Dust Warfare and Warhammer 40k and QA

Scratchbuilding Seminar  –  Presented by Dave Haught

Steve Missal –  Interview and discussion on his art based on the Cthulhu mythos

Paul Guinan – Interview and discussion on his character Boilerplate, the upcoming movie,                               and the world of Steampunk

Hot Wire Foam Demo – Presented by Hot Foam Factory

Ken St.Andre and Rick Loomis  –  30 years of games



  1. Battle Foam LLC
  2. Imperial Outpost Games/Mana Werx
  3. Samurai Comics
  4. Eagle Gryphon Games
  5. Crash Games
  6. Blue Panther
  7. Victory Point Games
  8. Flying Buffalo Inc
  9. Hot Wire Foam Factory
  10. Battle Foam Gaming Saloon
  11. Dave Haught Scratchbuilding
  12. Broken Egg Games
  13. Mechanical Warhorse
  14. Dangermoose Entertainment
  15. Fantasy Flight Games
  16. Days of Wonder
  17. Lizard Sunwear
  18. New Mutiny Media
  19. GMT Games
  20. Drive Thru RPG
  21. Advanced Grafix
  22. Illuminated Logic
  23. Right Games
  24. Boardgame Geek
  25. R&D Games
  26. Battlefront North America
  27. Adamant Entertainment
  28. Livingdice
  29. Wayne’s Books and Old School Games



Lusi: I Played


World Class Tournaments, Open Gaming, Non-Tournament Gaming

Card Games:

  1. Magic The Gathering
  2. YuGiOh
  3. Pokemon

RolePlaying Games:

  1. Pathfinder
  2. Time Renegades
  3. Savage Worlds
  4. Dungeons & Dragons
  5. Call of Cthulhu
  6. Warhammer Fantasy
  7. Deadlands
  8. Adventures Under the Laughing Moon
  9. Star Wars Saga RPG

Board Gaming:

  1. Munchkin
  2. Fortune and Glory
  3. Werewolves of Imperial Rome
  4. Mansions of Madness
  5. Formula D
  6. Memoir ‘44
  7. Settlers of Catan
  8. Risk 2210
  9. Lost Worlds

Miniature Gaming:

  1. Battletech
  2. Warhammer 40k
  3. Starfleet Battles
  4. Dust Tactics
  5. Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
  6. Bushido & Dawn
  7. Flames of War
  8. Malifaux
  9. Flames of War



All tournaments have prizes, as well as premium event participants and Open Gamers are all eligible for awards too.

The Senators will be keeping an eye on and wandering through the Open Gaming area and they’ll be taking notes. Those notes will translate into a Tribunal to determine who will win the fabulous Open Gaming Awards.

Custom Gold, Silver and Bronze Anvils will be awarded for each Phoenix Vul-Con 2011 Tournament and special trophies will be awarded for Vul-Con Special Events, Open Gaming, as well as several Top Gamer and Best of Show Awards!



If you are an avid gamer or just a casual gamer looking to have some fun, check this awesome convention out. If you need more information or would like to register, check out the website mentioned above. There is plenty of parking all around the convention center. And don’t forget, if you need a break from gaming, happening the same weekend is the Matsuri festival which is right next door at the Heritage Park by the Arizona Science Center. And that event is free!


Also check out the awesome Dust Days photo shoot done by Tasha of Photos By Tatiana. Featuring the spectacular talents of Cara Nicole, Toni Darling, Heather Henderson, and Tony Thomas.

Here is a little preview 😀

artists, board gaming, ccg, charity, convention, designers, exhibitors, gaming, interviews, miniatures, prizes, programming, roleplaying, sponsors, strategy

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