No Skyrim DLC for PS3

360, bethesda, dawnguard, dlc, elder scrolls, hearthfire, microsoft, ps3, skyrim, sony, xbox

Bethesda just announced a new DLC (downloadable content), Hearthfire which is set to release on Xbox360 on September 4th.  This announcement left many PS3 players who are still waiting for Dawnguard feeling angry and neglected. After weeks of no response to the hundreds if not thousands of angry PS3 players, they finally made an announcement but this may not be the one Skyrim fans were looking for. The following comments were pulled from Bethblog

“It’s been a few weeks, and we wanted to make sure everyone knows where we’re at with Dawnguard. Skyrim is a massive and dynamic game that requires a lot of resources, and things get much more complex when you’re talking about sizable content like Dawnguard. We have tried a number of things, but none of them solve the issue enough to make Dawnguard good for everyone. The PS3 is a powerful system, and we’re working hard to deliver the content you guys want. Dawnguard is obviously not the only DLC we’ve been working on either, so the issues of adding content get even more complicated. This is not a problem we’re positive we can solve, but we are working together with Sony to try to bring you this content.”

“We wish we had a more definitive answer right now. We understand the frustration when the same content is not available on all platforms. When we have an update, we will certainly let you know. We deeply appreciate all the time and support you have given us, and we’ll keep doing our best to return that.”

This doesn’t look hopeful for Skyrim fans on PS3 what are your thoughts?


Check out the official trailer for Hearthfire below:



360, bethesda, dawnguard, dlc, elder scrolls, hearthfire, microsoft, ps3, skyrim, sony, xbox

David is a pro-capable gamer, but suffers from a severe case of ADD. Lover of RPG’s especially Bethesda, Bioware, Gearbox etc. As well as MMO’s such as WOW and Final Fantasy 11. Avid Magic the Gathering player. Gaming accomplishments: Have over 20 years video gaming experience. Pro at any Call of Duty game. Gaming Director of GNN Gaming and co-founder of GNN. Main host of GNN Gaming Podcast. Very obsessed with Futbol (soccer for you uninitiated) like the Seattle Sounders & FC Barcelona. Contact me if you are interested in writing gaming reviews:
Twitter: @scourgeborne

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