Home Creators Cosplay Phoenix Comicon 2017 | COSPLAY TIME

Phoenix Comicon 2017 | COSPLAY TIME

Hello, fellow Geeks! It’s that time of the year again… Phoenix Comicon is right around the corner! You know what that means – it’s time to reach into your closets, pull out that fabric and your craziest props and get ready for a world of imagination! Amongst the thousands of attendees who make their way to the center of Downtown Phoenix for this event, we at GNN always look forward to seeing the wonderful cosplays that make their appearances at this time. From Storm Troopers to original Pokemon armor, the cosplays we see at PCC just seem to keep getting better and better every year! What do we have to look forward to this year? We can’t wait to see!

For those of you who are going to be bringing your best cosplays, we encourage you to check out the Masquerade! Whether it’s to participate solo or as a group, or even just to cheer on your friends on stage, the Masquerade is the place to be to see all the best cosplays at PCC. If you’re interested in registering for the Masquerade this year, make sure to submit an application for entry online at Phoenix Comicon’s website before Memorial weekend. Once you’ve registered and have been accepted as a participant, the pre-judging for the Masquerade will take place on Saturday, May 27th in the West Building of the Convention Center. The actual final performance will take place later that evening, and we can’t wait to see who makes it through to the final round! Will we see you up on that stage? We sure hope so!

But the Masquerade isn’t the only stop on our list! This year, we have an Arizona costumer making a guest appearance and we highly encourage all cosplayers to check out the wonderful work of Maise Designs! Her main project for Phoenix Comicon has been the design and production of an original group – Avengers in Wonderland! Formed from a handful of local cosplayers, Avengers in Wonderland will make their big debut this year at Phoenix Comicon, with Maise Designs at the heart of it all. Our little birdies tell us that this group will be wandering around the land of PCC on Saturday of the convention, so keep an eye out for Maise Designs and her colorful group of Avengers!

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Avengers in Wonderland
Designer: Maise Designs

Now, how could the many fans see all that fantastic work if not for the many talented photographers lining up to take your photos? For those of you interested in getting photos taken of your cosplays, the GNN team knows quite a few amazing photographers who will be at PCC this year and have slots open for a photoshoot with you! Amongst these gifted photographers include the work of Tony Julius Photography, Chocozumo, and KiDd at Heart Films. Of course, you can also find photographers at a variety of cosplay meetups scattered throughout all days of the convention. Some of these meetups include a Star Wars cosplay meetup on Thursday (12 pm), an Anime cosplay meetup on Friday (4:30 pm), a Superhero cosplay meetup on Saturday (1:30 pm) and so much more! To see a detailed list of all cosplay meetups (including times and locations), make sure to check out the programming section of Phoenix Comicon’s website, or click on the link provided here!

cosplay, cosplay corner, event, maise designs, masquerade, PCC, phoenix, phoenix comicon, phxcc
Cosplayer: Courtney Leigh Creations
Photographer: Tony Julius Photography
cosplay, cosplay corner, event, maise designs, masquerade, PCC, phoenix, phoenix comicon, phxcc
Cosplayer: Lemonbell
Photographer: Chocozumo
cosplay, cosplay corner, event, maise designs, masquerade, PCC, phoenix, phoenix comicon, phxcc
Cosplayer: Kawaii Besu Cosplay
Photographer: KiDd at Heart Films

Remember – it’s important that Phoenix Comicon remain a fun and safe environment for everyone! So, make sure to check in those big weapons and be respectful of your fellow cosplayer. For information regarding Phoenix Comicon’s costume and weapons policy, visit the FAQ section of their website, or click on the link here. We look forward to seeing all you crazy cosplayers this summer at Phoenix Comicon!

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