Christopher Walken, colin farrell, Martin Mcdonagh, movie, review, Sam Rockwell, seven psychopaths


I just want to give people a warning before hand: don’t see any movies downtown. I happened to be in the area with a few hours to kill, so I decided to drop into the AMC, big mistake. There are no free parking spaces downtown, so you have to park in parking garages that charge you an arm and a leg. I had heard that the theater would validate my parking pass, however, the entrance to the theater is tucked away and I ended up parking on the back side of the theater. After the movie, as I was leaving the garage, I realized I had made a large mistake by throwing the permit onto my dash. See, there is this weird void in my car between the windshield and the dash that is just large enough, and deep enough, for a credit card sized pass to slip into, and nothing else. I thought I could slip past another car leaving, but the gate is very stingy and only lets one car through at a time. Then I thought I could just get another ticket, but the machine knows when a car is there and won’t print one out. I should also mention that this parking garage is where a lot of police officers park their cars and as I’m turning around after the failed ticket idea, there was a cop sitting in his car watching me so I had to pretend like I was making a phone call. After about 20 minutes I was able to MacGyver the ticket out of there and escape the parking garage.

My point of the story, if there is one, is that I spent about $30 to see this movie and I don’t think it was worth $30. This was one of my most anticipated movies of the fall. I loved In Bruges, which was from the same guy who did this one, and I consider it one of the funniest movies in a long time. I’m still on the fence about Seven Psychopaths, but I don’t really feel like shelling out another 30 bucks to see it again. Where the director excels is in his witty dialogue, much like Tarantino, and it was present throughout in In Bruges. The same stays true for Seven Psychopaths, but those dialogue scenes are few and far between.

I think McDonagh does his best with just a few characters, see In Bruges again, and perhaps gets in over his head with no less than seven characters, hence the title. Seven Psychopaths is a misleading title as I would only classify one as a psychopath, as to which one I’ll let you figure it out. The others are mildly eccentric, at best, and two of them have nothing to do with the story, sort of. Christopher Walken is probably the best character in the entire movie, but he feels misplaced. His character reminded me of someone who stumbled on set and they just decided to film his antics.

Colin Farrell is a screenwriter that is writing a movie called, you guessed it, Seven Psychopaths, and that is the real premise of the movie. If anything it’s worth the price of admission to see Sam Rockwell describe how he thinks Farrell’s movie should end.


6 out of 11


Check out the trailer below:


Christopher Walken, colin farrell, Martin Mcdonagh, movie, review, Sam Rockwell, seven psychopaths

Watcher of movies. Writer of books. I love doing both and sometimes I even write about movies. Follow me on Twitter so you can keep track of my boring and uninteresting life @redsixx.

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