The Mega Men Podcast #55: A Mega St. Patrick’s Day Episode

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Chris and Matt discuss the wonderful magic of alcohol, the potentially incoming 'anti-technology' movement, why hate is a misplaced love,...

The Mega Men Podcast #53: Herbie Couldn’t Fly

Chris and Matt discuss The Lego Movie, bad trailers, Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis, and their best morning-after stories. You can subscribe directly through iTunes: or...

The Mega Men Podcast #52: He’s On Fire!

Matt and Chris discuss the impossible "singles" bar scene, Space Jam 2, why Looney Tunes are awesome, why film and TV have switched power...

The Mega Men Podcast #51: How The Mega Men Lost Their Virginity

Chris and Matt discuss the differences between Valentine's as an adult and as a child, how each lost their virginity, futuristic ping-pong mechs, Little...

CFG Podcast #9 Some Old, Some New

  Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #9, Some Old, Some New!  Davies and T-Dot are back with some help from Jelly and...


Don't look like an idiot in front of your friends at the comic book store! Keep up with the nerd news you need to...

The Mega Men Podcast #50: The Butler is the Real Villain

Matt and Chris talk about what fans want from Nintendo, Spider-Man 3, how Batman became "Hot Topic", The Donkey Kong Rap and more! You can...

CFG Podcast #8 Adapting to Reboots

  Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #8 Adapting to Reboots!  Davies, T-Dot, Chiba, and Brooke discuss there feelings about reboots, adaptations, and...

The Mega Men Podcast #49: Monkeys with Chemical Cameras

Chris and Matt talk about the end of the world, the fantastic book "The Road", our inner animal selves, why scientists are crazy, what...

12 PACK: Fortune Cookie Death Threats

Keep up with the NERD NEWS YOU NEED TO KNOW with THE 12 PACK! In this episode: Paul Bettany as The Vision, rumors suggesting that Ms....

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