The 3 Drunk Geeks have done it again with another 12 PACK! Get the nerd news you need to know in easy to swallow...

CFG Podcast #4 Super Overload?

    Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #4 Super Overload!?!  We talk about the latest news, remind you of upcoming comics, and dicuss...

The Mega Men Podcast #40: Acquired Tastes

Chris and Matt talk about the whimsy of Animal Crossing, beating E.T for the Atari 2600, revisiting 'overrated' films, drinking alcohol for the first...

12 PACK: “Meatvision”

The 3 Drunk Geeks have done it again with another 12 PACK! Get the nerd news you need to know in easy to swallow...

After Who: The Day of The Doctor

The 50th Anniversary has come at last, and with it an entire wibbly wobbly timey wimey world of information and fan service. After watching...

3DG EPISODE 42: Guess Who’s 50?

Doctor Who is turning 50 this week, so the 3 Drunk Geeks sat down with Duncan Macleod and James Richardson, the lord-presidents of the...

The Mega Men Podcast #39: Republican Super Villains

Matt and Chris talk about old-school video game box art, why Super Mario was cooler when he was fat, their past podcasting efforts, and...

The Mega Men Podcast #38: Stiff Sticks

Chris and Matt discuss the sport of Ping Pong, Nintendo 64 controllers, putting people in their place, 3D movies, The Hobbit and homeless people. You...

Quick Impressions of an Oldschool Gamer on the PlayStation 4

It’s here, yet another generation for gamers to distract and entertain themselves with the newest and most expensive hardware available. And right now, for...

The Mega Men Podcast #37: Overrated

Chris and Matt discuss the films they consider overrated and underrated. You can listen to this episode via the following link: http://themegamenpodcast.podbean.com/2013/11/04/the-mega-men-podcast-37-overrated/ Or you can subscribe directly...

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