X-Men #5 Review

Given the waylaying that was the final pages of Brian Michael Bendis’ All-New X-Men #16, the events of Brian Wood’s X-Men #5 are comparatively...

Batman and Robin #23.2: Court of Owls #1 Review

DC must be trolling its readership with a title like Batman and Robin #23.2: Court of Owls #1. Savvy readers will know that not...

Fantastic Four #12 Review

It’s been twelve issues since Reed Richards discovered that the Fantastic Four’s bodies were breaking down at a molecular level—can we please start to...

All-New X-Men #16 Review

All-New X-Men #16 is filled with so much good, but I need to get this one negative point out there first: X-Men Battle of...

X-Men Battle of the Atom #1 Review

There’s a lot of information to take in during the first few pages of X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1. Given everything that the...

Detective Comics #23.1: Poison Ivy #1 Review

Along with launching its Forever Evil seven-issue mini-series event, DC is using the month of September to turn over all of its regular titles...

Forever Evil #1 Review

DISCLAIMER: There’s absolutely no way to talk about the events of Forever Evil #1 without spoiling the event that preceded it: Trinity War. If...

X-Men Legacy #15 Review

X-Men Legacy amazes me each and every month by the sheer fact that it exists as a title on the Marvel line. Just comparing...

Battlepug Vol. 2: This Savage Bone Review

In the foreword to the first volume of Mike Norton’s Battlepug, friend and fellow artist Skottie Young talked about how the book was bred...

Batman/Superman #3 Review

I’m not entirely sure what’s going on at all times during Greg Pak’s Batman/Superman but I do know two things for sure: Superman and...

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