Ocean’s 8 | Movie Review

All-star cast? Check. Stylish setting? Check. Subtle humor? Check. Fantastic heist plot? Hmm, not so much. Ocean's 8 is the latest installment in the Ocean's...

Hotel Artemis | Movie Review

At first glance, you might think Hotel Artemis takes place within the John Wick universe. You’d be wrong, but the films do share quite...

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? | Movie Review

We live in a time in which it’s rare to last a single 24-hour period without witnessing some form of hate, usually first-hand. It’s...

First Reformed | Movie Review

Some people just want to watch the world burn... literally. In First Reformed, the world is burning as the minds of the audience melts....

Solo: A Star Wars Story | Movie Review

Going into Solo: A Star Wars Story some fans are hesitant based on the extremely divisive Star Wars: The Last Jedi, while others were...

Deadpool 2 | Movie Review

A lot of sequels try to do too much in order to differentiate from the original film. Some sequels try too hard to mimic...

Breaking In | Movie Review

There’s a theme going around Hollywood and all over the world to empower women. It’s a great theme that should just be normal life...

Tully | Movie Review

Motherhood is something that only half of the population will ever truly understand. That’s what makes Tully so impressive. It takes motherhood in the...

Avengers: Infinity War | Movie Review

Avengers: Infinity War has been ten years in the making and expectations for it are at an all-time high. Which may be to its...

I Feel Pretty | Movie Review

I Feel Pretty is a film made to hopefully evoke confidence in women. It is squarely aimed at younger women but still appeals to...

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