RTX 2014 Coverage and Interviews

  This year at RTX 2014 Rooster teeth showed the plans for their future as well as things to enjoy from their past. Achievement Hunter...

Sam Raimi talks about the new “Evil Dead”

Sam Raimi recently did an interview about the new Evil Dead in which he talks about why he wanted to remake the original, his...

In “Cloud Atlas,” Tom Hanks takes on his boldest role(s) yet

Article courtesy of Julie Hinds of Detroit Free Press/Gannett.   Two-time Oscar winner and all-around nice guy Tom Hanks is the big-screen everyman of our generation. That's...

Disney Press Interviews at CinemaCon 2013

Las Vegas, NV - We had the wonderful opportunity to cover one of movie industries top events at CinemaCon 2013. Movie theater owners, industry...

3DG interviews TMNT Co-Creator Kevin Eastman!

Recently James and Neil of The 3 Drunk Geeks had the chance to pester Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Co-Creator Kevin Eastman at the "On...

Vanguard the Web Series

  Vanguard - Middle English: vauntgard/Anglo-French: vantgarde; Date: 15th century; 1: the troops moving at the head of an army; 2: the forefront of an action...

Toni Darling interviews Big Chris!

Toni Darling interviews Big Chris of BigChrisArtBiz at Geeks' Night Out. Shelby Robertson makes a cameo! Video courtesy of Save The Airwaves Media.

An Interview with Mike Choi at Phoenix Comicon ’13

Geek News Network and The Weekly Bleed team up to bring you an interview with Mike Choi, best known for his work on Witchblade,...

Interview: Kristen Nedopak

Several weeks ago I had the distinct pleasure of attending the first-ever Geekie Awards in Hollywood; an experience you can read up on by...

‘Universal Dead’ the Series – A new take on Zombies

Universal Dead starring DB Sweeny, Gary Graham and Doug Jones is a web series written by Kelly Parks (who is also one of the...

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