Down Darkened Paths, An Anthology

Anthology, Blyster Press, Clyde Wolfe, Lilith Faire

Author: Clyde Wolfe

Publisher: Blysster Press

This book carries many smaller stories within it; all of which capture the mind and hold some sort of fear for everyone. They are much darker stories and deal with death, insanity and mayhem. It is a mix of Sci-Fi and Fantasy and each story has something for everyone. Though there are many great stories in here, I will only cover a select few. Those stories are: It’ll Go Bad Fast, After The Surgery, Mogg-Wogg and Faces I had Known.

It’ll Go Bad Fast: I found this story to be a bit twisted. It starts with a father coming home to find a severed head on the kitchen counter. The father calls for his wife and son, panic evident here. But then there is a twist. We find out that the boy had “gotten Hungry” and thus eaten part of the severed head. When the little boy is asked if he did, we find that the parent’s aren’t shocked, but are just a little upset that he left the head out all night. The story ends with the mother saying she will make a casserole for lunch. Though this story was twisted, I found it an interesting way to start off this book and found that it was something I remembered in this book.

After The Surgery: This story was a bit hard for me to understand because there wasn’t that much detail. This story happens to be very short and there isn’t much detail on what is happening to the main character or why he/she is in the hospital. I would have liked to know more about what was going on, but at the same time I enjoyed the concept of leaving the reader hanging and having them make their own judgments on what was happening.

Mogg-Wogg: This story was a bit humorous but also creepy. This one is about a man trapped in the bathroom when an unknown creature with a horrid stench comes after him. The protagonist is faced with a choice. Does he stay in the bathroom and hide from this creature or does he go out of the bathroom and figure out what’s going on? I enjoyed how Wolfe played with the vulnerability of someone in the bathroom and played the creepy factor of being home, alone with an unknown creature. I enjoyed this story very much.

Faces I had Known: This story was very short and seemed to be all over the place. There wasn’t much going, and I felt that there could have been a bit more detail and description of what was actually going on. Though at the same time I enjoy how short it is and how it allows the reader to interpret it however they please.

If you enjoy Anthologies as well as much darker stories, then I highly recommend that you read this book. It had everything for everyone and is a good read.



Anthology, Blyster Press, Clyde Wolfe, Lilith Faire
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Gamer and comic book lover, I try to stay up to date with news for my loves. I love FPS as well as the Assassins Creed Series. I’m heavily into DC comics and love Catwoman, Nightwing, Batman, Harley and the Joker. I’m also a Raven cosplayer from Teen Titans and am working on my Harley and Nightwing costumes. I do love Marvel, and enjoy reading the NEW Captain Marvel comics. Aside from DC and Marvel though, I LOVE indie comics. I love finding the ones with strong female characters and so far I haven’t been let down. I’m also an avid book reviewer so I welcome any author that would like a book review . I also do game reviews, both video and board games. You can find me on Facebook (, Twitter (@LadyLilithFaire), as well as check out my blog

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