“Injustice: Gods Among Us” semi final winners were announced today and we kind of knew who was going to win, but its still cool to watch the matches. Check out the winners below:
“Injustice: Gods Amonng Us” hits stores April 16 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U.
Chuckie is blogger for fine sites such as Geek News Network and Comic Book Therapy. Burrito enthusiast would be the best way to describe him. Follow Chuckie on twitter @dweebofthedead to read just how much he loves Batman, kind of like a man-crush, but not really. Ok, really.
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Lover of Comic books, film, television, fresca and video games. Check out my blog dweebofthedead.tumblr.com to see what kind of shenanigans I got going on, or check out my twitter for up to date ramblings @dweebofthedead.
Email: chuckie.valdez@geeknewsnetwork.net