Phoenix Film Festival 2012 Photo Gallery


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2012, mranathema photography, phoenix film festival, photo gallery

2012, mranathema photography, phoenix film festival, photo gallery
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The Jack-of-all-trades, caffeine fiend, and wearer of many hats (figuratively and literally). Photographer, writer, educator, fedora, driver, trilby’s. My photography teeth were cut in the live entertainment industry, shooting concerts, live events, and conventions. I came to photography for an additional creative outlet to supplement my writings and as a side gig to my college teaching position, and I’ve now been shooting for the better part of a decade. Music and concert photography are my biggest passions, though I had to learn the harsh lesson that head banging and holding a camera steady don’t readily mix. A literature geek first and foremost, I read the entire Lord of the Rings series in 3rd grade, began a lifelong love affair with the Star Wars extended universe shortly after, and wrote my MA Lit thesis on Neil Gaiman. When not shooting or editing, you’ll find me incorporating Star Trek into lesson plans, playing some iteration of Zelda on any one of my Nintendo System, geeking out about indie comics over a very large iced coffee, or simply writing. Follow me on twitter at @MrAnathema, or contact me directly for whatever your photography needs are at [email protected] or

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