“The Spectacular Now” – The Spectacular Classics Screening Series

The Spectacular Classic Series

Harkins Camelview, here in the Phoenix area, is hosting a series of special screenings for classic teen movies from the last twenty years in honor of the upcoming movie The Spectacular Now. Check out the press release below to see what movies are playing.

The most celebrated classic teen films are back on the big screen with “The   Spectacular Classics” screening series taking place in 10 national markets, including newly added Harkins Camelview! The series will showcase an iconic coming-of-age

film each week for the four weeks leading up to the August 9th Phoenix theatrical release of THE SPECTACULAR NOW. An exclusive video introduction will precede each screening by screenwriters Michael Weber and Scott Neustadter. Audience members will also receive a ticket to a local advance word of mouth screening of THE SPECTACULAR NOW!


Tuesday, July 16                        SAY ANYTHING

Tuesday, July 23                        DAZED AND CONFUSED

Tuesday, July 30                        ALMOST FAMOUS

Tuesday, August 6                     THE BREAKFAST CLUB


Harkins Camelview 5

7001 E Highland Ave.

Scottsdale, AZ 85251


$9.50 per ticket

Never fear, readers who live in other parts of the country, we have a list of theatres who are also participating in this awesome event.


New York                                            Landmark Sunshine

Los Angeles                                          Los Feliz

Sherman Oaks                                      ArcLight Cinemas

Dallas                                                   Angelika Dallas

Boston                                                  Kendall Square Cinema

DC                                                       E Street Cinema

Philadelphia                                           Ritz Five

Chicago                                                Century Centre Cinema

Minneapolis                                           Lagoon Cinema

Seattle                                                  Harvard Exit Theatre

Phoenix                                               Harkins Camelview 5

Check out the trailer for The Spectacular Now below.

almost famous, dazed and confused, say anything, the breakfast club, the spectacular now

Watcher of movies. Writer of books. I love doing both and sometimes I even write about movies. Follow me on Twitter so you can keep track of my boring and uninteresting life @redsixx.

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