Titanfall: The Serenity of Man and Machine (Review)


Titanfall has been hyped up to be the greatest shooter of this generation, Game Informer praises it, “A next-generation competitive multiplayer title that blurs the lines between traditional online shooters and single-player campaign.” IGN also supported Titanfall in the release trailer as, “Believe the hype.” Yet the question still remains, has Titanfall actually delivered?


The thought of a “campaign” is a single player game type– yet for Titanfall they made a campaign that rotated around the players playing together competitively against other players. The campaign uses multiple game types from the “Classic” multiplayer. Many games have tried to do this in the past, Bethesda’s Brink attempted to make the campaign just multiplayer games compiled into a storyline, as a result, it did not work at all. Unfortunately, I am seeing Titanfall being directed into the same path as Brink. Within the first few campaign levels it is quite evident that Titanfall is much like Battlefield 4: it is more multiplayer based with a last minute addition of a campaign. Personally, I rather have a fantastic multiplayer than an “okay” multiplayer with an “okay” campaign. Though it is up to the type of gamer — if you are wanting a dynamic storyline with amazing character development, plot twists, and cliff hangers to leave you on the edge of your seat– this is not the game for you. On the contrary, if you are wanting a fun, fast paced multiplayer to play with your friends. I would highly suggest this.


The storyline of Titanfall is very static, with no character development or anything that would stand out from a normal multiplayer round. From watching the trailers I would have expected the campaign to have a good amount of cutscenes, but after playing both the “Militia” and the “IMC’s” campaign I have only seen a couple cutscenes, all of which are not that impressive, nor really make me inspired to keep playing the campaign. The only thing I like about the campaign is that you can play on two different teams and see the campaign through both teams’ eyes.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FPtT4C870c]


The multiplayer is absolutely fantastic…well…with some little flaws. In the multiplayer all players start as pilots with one A.I Titan. After a couple minutes of killing a pilot will get their Titan and release hell upon the enemy. With different game types to fit every first person twitcher, the game always is entertaining.


PC Specs: Can I run this?

Don’t have an Xbox One, or maybe you don’t want to wait for the Xbox 360 version? Then don’t worry as Titanfall’s PC requirements are actually quite user friendly, so your Mom’s old desktop might even be able to run it, with a little help.


The PC system requirements:

OS: 64-bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1

CPU: AMD Athlon X2 2.8GHz or Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz

Memory: 4GB RAM

GPU: 512MB VRAM, Radeon HD 4770 or GeForce 8800GT

If you look into the unpackaging part of the installation, you can see that Respawn actually left all the audio in an uncompressed format, this makes the file larger, yet it is easier for lower level computers to run the game. In simple terms: Respawn is looking out for people with non-powerful computers.


Final Score

Titanfall works exceptionally well with the multiplayer, yet really brought disappointment with the campaign.


How Respawn could have improved:
Either really focus on the campaign, or don’t put one into the game.
Make more guns/more customizable features
Improve the varieties of maps.

[SlideDeck2 id=9271]

Respawn Entertainment, review, TitanFall

I first started my life as a gamer on the Christmas of 2001- that was when my father purchased the first Playstation for me- throughout the years the gaming industry evolved and so did my love for gaming, for me gaming was not just a past time—it turned into a passion. Currently I am in college for game design and business in efforts that one day I can change the world of gaming forever.

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