Watch_Dogs Delayed


It appears that Ubisoft’s open-world hacker game Watch_Dogs will no longer be a launch title for the upcoming next generation of gaming. In fact, the game has been delayed until sometime in spring of 2014. While rumors had surprisingly not been circulating about this, it should not come as a shock; particularly in this extremely busy holiday season we’re about to enter into.

Personally, while Watch_Dogs was one of my most anticipated titles of the holiday season, I’m ecstatic about its delay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m disheartened about not being able to play it, but the idea of spending more time with Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is extremely appealing. Not to mention the fact that this will give Ubisoft some time to make sure Watch_Dogs is firing on all cylinders when it releases next year.

For more information on the delay, check out Ubisoft’s statement either here, or below:

Our ambition from the start with Watch Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming. It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until spring 2014.

We know a lot of you are probably wondering: Why now? We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune each detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. We thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way you respond on the web, at events, press conferences and other opportunities we have to interact. Your passion keeps us motivated.

We can’t wait to see you in Chicago next spring. We are confident you’ll love this game as much as we love working on it.

[SlideDeck2 id=9271]

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"A man of many talents; Joshua is a gamer, writer, Sith Lord in training and a wannabe Time Lord. Assuming the mantle of Director of Gaming for Geek News Network, Joshua has made it his goal to bring the gaming division of GNN forward.

Will he succeed? Well, only by keeping up to date with the GNN gaming division will you be able to find out.
You can read more of Joshua’s semi-regular thoughts on Twitter @BearPunch. He also co-hosts the GNN Gaming Podcast and the ”Constantly Calibrating Podcast.

Joshua can be contacted at [email protected] for more information on GNN Gaming.”

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