What to expect at Holiday Matsuri 2018

convention, event news, florida, holiday matsuri, holmat

If you were to ask me what con is my dream con, I would instantaneously say Holiday Matsuri, also known as HolMat. To be honest, I’m not sure why I have been so infatuated with this con. A couple of my friends live in Florida and have always raved about it. After watching their social medias, hearing their stories, and checking out past guests, this con reminds me of my favorite con, Saboten Con (in Arizona). If Holmat is anything like Sabo, SIGN ME THE BLEEP UP. On top of all the great things I’ve heard about the con, it’s hosted at the Marriott World Center in Orlando, Florida. Which is such a beautiful hotel with pretty affordable rooms considering how nice it is.

We are still a few months away, and the guest list looks nothing short of incredible. Granted, I’m mildly bias because I focus on costuming and prop making at cons, so for me I love when amazing cosplay guests are on the roster. One of my all time favorite cosplayers, Alyson Tabbitha, is on that roster! Y’all. I am over the moon excited to see her craftsmanship in person. You know when you watch a cooking show, get all hyped up on that breathtaking cupcake, THEN go to the restaurant that serves it and get it for yourself? That feeling of pure shock and awe of its beauty? That is how I feel looking at this woman’s work. Her attention to detail is just… I’m very into the little things and appreciating them because man those little things are the things that take the most time and energy.  And not to brag on her anymore, BUT, she is huge advocate for positivity and inclusion in this community. She has zero problem standing up for what is right, calling out those who are rude, and helps everyone she can.

convention, event news, florida, holiday matsuri, holmat

Another talented cosplayer, one of the women who tremendously helped cosplay get to where it is today, Yaya Han. If you don’t know her, I am shocked. She’s an insanely talented, multi-faceted woman. I hope to run into her to also see her work in person.

Phil Mizuno will be a cosplay guest as well! I had the chance to work with him at Sabo this year, and he is a cool dude. So friendly and outgoing. All smiles. And his cosplays are LEGIT. If you go to HolMat, you’ve gotta go talk to him for at least 2 min.

Hoku Props will also be there as a guest! I heard about him at SDCC this year and had to look him up. I WAS NOT MAD. Guys skill is on an entirely different level.

As far as voice actors go, only a couple of guests have been announced, including Pharah from Overwatch!

convention, event news, florida, holiday matsuri, holmat

Are you ready to check out HolMat yet?! Here’s the ticket info:

Full event price until 10/14: $50
Full event 10/15-12/02: $55
Friday: $30
Sat: $40
Sun: $50

All in all, this is a pretty affordable con for the hype. Check out more details on tickets here: http://holidaymatsuri.com/2018registration/

Everyone wants a good late night story from con. HolMat has literally anything you want to do and more. Everything from 18+ panels to idol shows as well as a masquerade. And if that’s not your thing, they have a LASER POOL. I’m sold. 

As far as panels go, good luck choosing! SO many great options. Although the one I am most intrigued by is the BNHA burlesque show. I need to know more. There also is a Kingdom Hearts event which I am excited to see the emotions across fans faces. Watching passionate nerds makes me feel at home, so seeing these guys so joyful will be amazing.

convention, event news, florida, holiday matsuri, holmat

Basically, this con is stacked with all things awesome. This is exactly the kind of con to end the year with and I can not wait to finally attend! Only a couple more months! Make sure to check back to the review and photo gallery!

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