Hello Comic Book Fandom!
Couple of things to highlight for this week: New Man of Steel trailer, Star Trek Into Darkness trailer was pure epicness, The Hobbit releases this weekend, and Telltale’s The Walking Dead won ‘Game of The Year’ at this years Video Game Awards. Also, Christmas is seriously right around the corner, Did you guys get all your shopping done? Deadpool did.
Anyway, let’s get down to this weeks books…..

- “DEATH OF THE FAMILY’ continues here! The Joker’s attacks have taken their toll on Batman and his allies, and now they have to face the impossible. The final madness of The Joker’s plan revealed here! Why is he more dangerous now than ever before? Plus: In the backup feature, witness The Joker’s confrontation with the Riddler as the horror of The Joker’s plan is revealed.“
- Seriously, this is one of the darkest Batman stories I have read in a long time. Writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo are absolutely killing it. Lastly, Greg Capullo’s cover for this issue is disturbing…

- “Did you know that there’s a theory that the bacteria in our bodies actually controls our moods and may even be responsible for elements of our personalities? TONY STARK and BRUCE BANNER did. What happens when a 20 million-year-old evolutionary catalyst infects a HULK? Could it be a cure? Meanwhile, on the outside, CAPTAINS MARVEL AND AMERICA must find the missing scientist before he unleashes said bacteria on the world“
- This is Kelly Sue DeConnick second issue and I couldn’t be more excited about this book. It’s jammed pack with smart whip writing and the artwork is great. This book is solid fun, which is needed sometimes with all this seriousness going on in the Avengers universe.

- “Trapped on an isolated island, 16 superhuman young adults (including cult faves like members of the Runaways, The Avengers Academy and Darkhawk) are given a chilling ultimatum by their demented captor: Fight or die! Only one will walk out alive! Thus begins a primal battle that will test the skills, stamina and morals of each combatant. Welcome to Murder World, where the secrets are plenty, alliances are fleeting, and the key to victory might be rewriting the rules of the game. Who will survive?“
- Are you a fan of Battle Royale? Hunger Games? Same concept, but in the Marvel universe.

- “Cable is back! NOW!with a new X-Force at his side, he must tackle the threats that nobody else can know about. But just who are Cable’s new recruits, and why is his team public enemy number one? Caught red-handed at the scene of a terrorist attack on a major American corporation whose CEO has expressed anti-mutant views, the X-Force is the run, with none other than the Uncanny Avengers in hot pursuit.“
- You had me at Cable….

- “Sing me a song.“

- “As Doctor Octopus’ schemes take shape, MORBIUS THE LIVING VAMPIRE returns with a Vengeance! Will he be able to resist the siren song of blissful bloodsucking or will Spider-Man sling him straight back into the slammer? Your first look at next month’s all-new Morbius ongoing series.“
- Any Morbius fans out there? This ones for you!

- “A ‘DEATH OF THE FAMILY’ tie-in! With so many funerals planned, The Joker decides it’s time for a wedding! Barbara’s first confrontation with The Joker since he shot her is coming to a horrifying conclusion!“
- Writer Gail Simone just recently got let go from writing Batgirl, which is a huge bummer, but instead of mourning lets rejoice which Gail Simone’s ultra creepy Joker story!

- “James O’Barr returns to The Crow! In this special three-part tale, O’Barr and artist Jim Terry craft a harrowing tale set at a death camp in 1940s Germany, where a simple game of chess turns deadly, leading to the creation of a new Crow, giving new meaning to the term Gotterdammerung (‘Death of the Gods’)!“
- James O’Barr (Creator of The Crow) is seriously the only reason why you should be checking this out.

- “A long dead memory from Slade’s past resurfaces, looking for revenge! Will the legendary assassin known as Deathstroke finally be pushed past his breaking point?“
- Perfect jumping on point!
- Justin Jordan (Legend of Luther Strode, Team 7) will be taking over writing duties from Rob Liefeld and Edgar Salazar (Red Sonia) will be providing the artwork. Lastly, how about that sweet Scott Clark cover art!

- “Sherlock Holmes is busy doing what he does best, solving a case of far-reaching international notoriety. It has landed him at the Port of Liverpool, a bustling hub of commerce both legitimate and illicit. As that chapter closes, ours begins. They head to Lime Street Station, to catch a fast steam locomotive home to London and Baker Street, when violent weather keeps The Great Detective and Watson in Britain’s second city a while longer. Long enough to encounter a monster, discover the Liverpool underworld, and to become embroiled in one of his strangest cases yet.“
- Leah Moore (Alan Moore’s daughter) is back to writing Sherlock Holmes!
Chuckie blogs about comic books and stuff for Geek News Network and Comic Book Therapy. He also likes the smell of coffee and rich mahogany in the morning. Follow Chuckie on Twitter, or lurk him on Facebook, which ever you prefer.
Lover of Comic books, film, television, fresca and video games. Check out my blog dweebofthedead.tumblr.com to see what kind of shenanigans I got going on, or check out my twitter for up to date ramblings @dweebofthedead.
Email: chuckie.valdez@geeknewsnetwork.net