“About Time” Movie Review


If you could go back at any time in your life, what moment would you redo? Relive a memorable day? Fix something broken? Try to win the lottery? In the movie About Time, that is exactly what unlikely leading man Tim (played by Domhnall Gleeson) is faced with when he discovers the family trait of being able to travel through time.

Unlike most people who would use time travel to accumulate wealth or power, Tim uses it to get a girlfriend, and not just any girlfriend; the love of his life. For a shy, tall, awkward ginger, finding love isn’t always easy, but with a unique ability to go back and redo conversations, and with a general “putting your foot in your mouth”, Tim becomes the perfect man (with a few of his charms coming out).

Mary, Rachel McAdams, is along for the ride, clueless that her relationship is a story of not so much coincidence (actually many first encounters were had), but planned by Tim after falling madly in love with her in a 100% dark restaurant. As life plays on for these two, you can’t help but cheer for them along the way while wishing you had the ability to make a few changes in your own love story.

This movie isn’t some deep over the top romance. It is a humbling story about a man who loves a woman, and who has a wonderful bond with his father. This movie will bring tears to your eye and warm your heart. It will definitely be a romantic classic alongside movies like ‘Love Actually’, ‘Titanic’, and ‘Dirty Dancing’. I truly believe this is a great movie for both men and women, but this might be a little too touchy-feely for singles and the recently broken-hearted.

Rating: 8 out of 11

About the movie:

Synopsis: At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think.

Directors: Richard Curtis

Writers: Richard Curtis

Stars: Rachel McAdams, Domhnall Gleeson, Bill Nighy

Rated: R

Runtime: 123 minutes

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