This summer, GNN had the pleasure of attending Anime Expo 2017 and seeing all of the wonderful cosplays that made their way to Los Angeles. Of course, the main question became: how did these cosplayers enjoy their time at AX? Was that con crunch one for the record books? Would they recommend this con to other cosplayers? All valid questions, and all ones worth asking! So, we took a minute to reach out to a handful of cosplayers and lay down these important questions. How did they respond? Keep reading to find out!

Cosplay: Ada (Resident Evil)

Cosplay: Iris (Final Fantasy 15)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
When my friend and I were dressed as Leon and Ada from Resident Evil 6, we were approached by someone who was a fan of the series who took some photos with us and we talked about the premiere of the new movie Resident Evil: Vendetta. After some time we found out he was Reuben Langdon who worked on previous Resident Evil games and did the motion capture of one of the main characters, Chris Redfield in RE: Vendetta! Needless to say, we were thrilled to have met and had a conversation with this man who was very fun and easy to talk to! Definitely a cosplay memory I won’t forget!
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
I admit I’m not the best when it comes to handling con stress because I’m a perfectionist, and I make 99% of all my cosplays from scratch so I put my heart and soul into everything. I also have my commissions to work on, as well as things for friends, so it can get pretty stressful. But, I’ve learned to let things go and prioritize con crunch tasks to make them more manageable! I also have really good friends willing to help me and remind me to breathe and that a mistake isn’t the end of the world!
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
Breathe and roll with the punches! Put on a good playlist, series or movie, and really just lose yourself in your work. Don’t stress and push yourself past your breaking point. Focus on what NEEDS to get done, and everything else can be taken care of after the huge parts of costume-making are done. Not everything is going to go smoothly or as you imagine it to in your head, but it will get done if you set your mind to it. Take breaks, eat, drink water, and if you don’t finish parts or have to forgo something, it’s nothing to stress over. Have fun in your costume and have fun with your friends!
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
I got to meet and talk to a lot of new cosplayers, photographers, and con-goers! It was fun to meet new people, make new friends, network around, and get to know everyone better while forging stronger friendships and opening up to new opportunities.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
AX is HUGE. The crowds are larger than any convention I’ve seen, other than San Diego Comic Con, and it is infamously known as “Line-Con” for a reason. So get there VERY early if you want to save waiting around, and know where all the entrances and exits are so you’re not stuck outside all day! Also, bring your own water and snacks (but especially water), and wear sunscreen if you’re going to be outside because it is hot and the convention center is all lightly colored concrete – so the sun is bouncing everywhere!
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
Everything is a little up in the air right now, but hopefully, in the near future I will be able to debut Sypha Belnades from the Castlevania Netflix series, Hinata from Naruto: The Movie, Nel and Rukia from Bleach, Esmeralda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Mercy of Overwatch. I hope to be at Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con (Formerly Known as Stan Lee’s Comikaze) for at least a day. If not I will most definitely be at one of my all-time favorite cons, Anime Los Angeles in late January 2018!

Cosplay: Yoko (Gurren Lagann)

Cosplay: Tohru (Dragon Maid)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
JList asked for my photo as I was passing their booth and it made me feel really good!! I was in a rush (and kinda sweaty), but I stopped right away and did a little pose because Jlist is worth it!
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
For the first time ever I actually had everything done on time! Months ahead, I made sure everything was taken care of. I triple checked my suitcase and packed my con snacks, and I was ready! I’m always procrastinating for cons and to have it all done in time really saved me some stress! I suggest everyone try it!
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
Sometimes a last minute cosplay sounds really appealing and you’re like, “Yeah, that’s simple! I could totally do that!” And while that may be true, sometimes the added stress just isn’t worth it. That cosplay will always be there, you can always pick it back up again and do it for the next con, so give yourself a break!
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
To be completely honest, I think I overworked myself this con. I was so infatuated with getting nice pictures of all the costumes I worked so hard on that I forgot to have fun. A nice photoshoot is great and all, but don’t overbook yourself. Always leave room for fun! I mean, that’s what cons are supposed to be all about!
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Anime Expo is HUGE. If you think anime conventions are just Clouds and Sephiroths running around hitting each other with big props with the occasional really good anime discussion panel, you NEED to try Anime Expo! You’ll meet people there from all around the world – voice actors, artists and performers you’d only meet in Japan, and the most talented cosplayers you’ll ever lay your eyes on! It can be very overwhelming at first, but during your first time around just go with the flow and enjoy yourself! You can work out the details next time.
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
In celebration of Crash Bandicoot’s re-release, I’m planning out a rad, retro Crash costume – not too many details yet! Also, I have plenty of Super Sonico cosplays on my list, including her Gloomy Bear collab costume I hope to be debuting at Saboten Con in September. I’ll also be attending my very first Yaoi-con in October, and I’m hoping to do something very classic shippy. SasuNaru? SoraRiku? The world is my oyster!

Cosplay: Camilla (Fire Emblem)

Cosplay: Kat (Gravity Rush)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
My favorite cosplay moment at AX would probably have to be when I was cosplaying as Kat from Gravity Rush on Monday, and I was roaming the halls super worn out and tired when I heard a voice yell “Hey Kat!” and I turned around wearily, said sup, then went back on my way when I suddenly realized it was the anime Youtuber LostPause who had been talking to me! I whipped around so fast and couldn’t even speak because I was so excited. Out of the three people who recognized my cosplay that day, senpai had noticed me.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
I decided to try something different this year which was to get 95% of my costumes finished a month prior, I usually don’t get any sleep the night before a con because I decide to do most of the costume that night. Besides very minor detailing, I got to sleep early and that honestly made the rest of the weekend go much smoother since I wasn’t running on zero hours of sleep!
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
I would definitely say avoid procrastination! I was really shocked at how a full 8 hours of sleep before a large con really made a difference in my attitude, as compared to last year when I decided to start of my costume only two weeks prior to AX…I finished it, but I wasn’t exactly full of energy or very excited because I didn’t get any sleep that entire two weeks. You should also push yourself out of your creative comfort zone and try new things, even if you don’t think you have the talent to do so!
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
I honestly didn’t have very high hopes for AX this year, but it ended up being one of the best weekends of my life! I went with a different group of friends and that made such a huge difference. I also decided to challenge myself and bring three new costumes, compared to previous years when I only bring one. I had very positive reactions and I was very heavily inspired to challenge myself even more after seeing what talents that everyone else brings to the table. I love seeing what everyone specializes in creativity-wise, and it makes me want to excel further in crafting and sewing.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Anime Expo is definitely on the larger scale without a doubt, but more people doesn’t always mean less fun. You just have to keep in mind that industry-heavy cons will mean waiting your turn to experience something that everyone else wants to be a part of as well. Even though long lines are frustrating, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re also a part of the crowd, and everyone there wants to have just as much fun as you do. It’s no better or worse than smaller cons I go to, like Anime Los Angeles, it’s just different. Despite how much of a bad rap it’s been getting, your experience all depends on how willing you are to be patient and understand that not everything will go 100% according to your plan.
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
My next con will possibly be Comikaze, but if not that then Anime Los Angeles for sure! Since Final Fantasy 7 is having a remastered version in the making, I definitely think it’s time to take a jab at Sephiroth since he’s been a cosplay goal of mine since I was younger. I’m still brainstorming, but Axel from KH would also be really fun to recreate! Honestly, there are so many things I want to cosplay that I just can’t pick, but I would love to work on cosplays requiring more props, armor builds and possibly LED lights!

Cosplay: Pharah (Overwatch)

Cosplay: Pharah (Overwatch)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
My favorite cosplay moment was when I had put on my Pharah cosplay for the first time and turned around to an overwhelming amount of camera flashes. Up till that point, I had not put on my full cosplay yet – so, I was nervous about how it would’ve looked. The reactions on people’s faces reassured me that I had captured the look I wanted for my cosplay.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
Oh, the dreaded con crunch… This cosplay was definitely a challenge for me, especially with the short 3 month time frame I had to complete it. I had not worked with moving electronics prior to this build, but I wanted to go with the “wow” factor. Every day I dedicated 5-6 hours of work, mainly focusing on completing the larger parts in fear I wouldn’t finish it all in time. The smaller details were added within the last week before I left for Anime Expo. There were many all-nighters filled with coffee and denial, but with the support of my friends, I was able to pull it off.
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
The biggest advice I can offer other cosplayers that are under the crucial crunch time is this: Never give up. You may feel defeated and unmotivated within the final days before the con, but don’t quit. Focus on the main pieces and do detailing work last. If you don’t finish all of it in time, people will not notice. You are your own biggest critic.
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
This year was my first time attending Anime Expo and I have to say, it was a very humbling experience. The amount of people who appreciated my cosplay and came to talk to me shocked me. It made me realize why I cosplay and why I love this community so much.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Anime Expo was my first out-of-state con. Coming from Florida cons, I was mostly taken back by the amount of people in one space at this convention. Everyone was so friendly and genuinely excited to be there. Being amongst others with the same interests in anime and video games, truly made my experience memorable.
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
I’m currently working on another Overwatch character, Okami Hanzo. I hope to have him done for Dragoncon. I do plan on branching out from Overwatch in the near future and going back to my roots in the Legend of Zelda franchise. I will also tackle some characters from popular anime as well as the D.C. Universe.

Cosplay: Shiro (Voltron)

Cosplay: Prompto (Final Fantasy 15)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
Just being in the entertainment hall with friends. I’ve never had more fun in a 12×12 ball pit in my life.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
Although I’m usually drowning in con crunch, I was very sick the entire month of June so I had to pull out some old costumes for this con! Oldies are still goodies~
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
You’re going to do it whether I say this or not, but! DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. Being up at 8 am styling your wig for the con or hot gluing who knows what sucks, but happens EVERY time. Cosplayers are a bunch of masochists.
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
It was definitely a time. Anime Expo was my first west coast con – it was SO crowded. Not a bad thing, just shocking! It’s definitely a mixing pot of international cosplayers, and I met so many people!
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Be prepared for this con, like I’m not even kidding. Buy your ticket ahead, pick it up early, plan and budget properly. If you do that, you’ll have the time of your life.
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
I’m currently working on Rogue (X-Men), Lunafreya (Kingsglaive), Panhger and Fox (Persona 5), and 2B (Nier Automata). My next event will be Supercon in Florida~!
Inspector Lemon Cosplay

Cosplay: Prompto (Final Fantasy 15)

Cosplay: Prompto (Final Fantasy 15)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
To be honest, there were so many amazing moments. I got to do a paired Cindy and Prompto cosplay on the first day of the con. And, unexpectedly, I got to cosplay Noctis and Prompto with a friend I never cosplay with. But, one of the coolest moments was finally getting to meet, hang out, and shoot with Lauren (unwaveringartist). It was super fun! We met in a blocked off road between the Staples Center and the JW hotel. She was shooting with friends and, within 5 minutes of meeting, we’re ship shooting Prompto and Aranea. It was so spontaneous and fun! It was definitely an indicator of the beginning of an awesome friendship.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
Con crunch was a nightmare. I had lost massive amounts of sleep two weeks prior to the con. And then, less than a week before the con, I got an intense fever and was bedridden for 2 days! Fortunately, one of my friends knew a recipe to this 52 garlic clove soup that cured me in 24 hrs. Look it up – it can cure just about any cold or flu symptoms! But, I had to drop a cosplay prior to the con and that sucked. After that, though, with just a couple days left, I just stocked up on Vitamin C, juice, and water, and I just organized my work by necessity.
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
Don’t sacrifice sleep for over 24 hours. If you need to pull all-nighters days in a row, be smart about it. And by that I mean – avoid it. I burnt myself out terribly and almost screwed myself for the whole con. Also, start taking Vitamin C before you feel sick. It really helps preventively!
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
It was amazing! I got to meet so many amazing people and I can’t wait to improve my work. Anime Expo has really inspired me to try bigger cosplans and builds.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Don’t wait ’till Day 1 of the con to get your badge. Just. Don’t. I, fortunately, went to get my badge on Day 0. But, I had friends who waited in line for 2 hours in the California heat – full cosplay, and makeup – for a badge on Day 1. Don’t do that to yourself!
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
I’ll be updating my Cloud Strife for Metrocon. Cloud will be going with me to every con for the rest of this year, so expect ALOT more FFVII content. I’ll be doing Prince Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke at AWA this fall with an amazing San. And, in general, expect some BNHA, Fire Emblem, and Persona. I’ll also be bringing an updated Prompto cosplay to AWA. Long term work – I want to start moving towards full armor cosplays. My next conventions are Metro, Dragoncon, AWA, and then Holiday Matsuri.
Unwavering Artist

Cosplay: Inuyasha (Inuyasha)

Cosplay: Quiche (Tokyo Mew Mew)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
Well, that is a really tough question. AX 2017 incredible and I loved every minute of it. But, if I were to choose one moment it would be in the evening of Day 1. I was dressed as Aranea from Final Fantasy XV and had met up with some friends to take a few photos together. What started out as a few friends blossomed into full-blown Final Fantasy XV mini meetup. I was able to get really fun photos with characters that I didn’t think I was going to be able to and interact with some really kind people.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
The dreaded con crunch is one of the toughest things about going to big conventions. I make all these big plans for costumes and work on them pretty consistently beforehand. Yet, inevitably, during that last week, I realize there is too much left to do and have to pull multiple all-nighters. It can be really taxing right before a full weekend of late nights, constant socializing and wearing cosplays all day in the heat. So, leading up to AX, I was frantically scrambling to put together my first armored cosplay: Aranea Highwind.
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
Honestly, I don’t handle con crunch the way I need to. Here is what you SHOULD do: To save yourself pain, you should start working a week earlier than you think you need to, watch less exciting shows while working and, most importantly, don’t procrastinate the difficult parts until the end. It’s all about giving your full attention and excelling at time management.
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
Anime Expo was very good for me this year. I was able to meet up with a much larger number of friends/cosplayers who I have wanted to meet up with for some time. This impacted me as a cosplayer in the sense that all these wonderful people got me thinking about all the exciting cosplays I could do. Huge conventions like AX cause my drive to skyrocket as I start anticipating all the projects I could jump into next.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Anime Expo is one of the more exciting conventions I have been to. It is not only a hotspot convention where you meet up with some of the many amazing people but the Vendor Hall/Artist Alley is an otaku’s dream. Something unique to AX is its amazing hall of photo sets. A portion of the convention space is dedicated to anime-esk photo settings for the attendees to take photos in with friend and cosplayers. I particularly love this feature because it can be a lot of fun and is just another excuse to take goofy crossover photos. On top of this, Anime Expo is located in Los Angeles, California. Although incredibly busy and quite hot at that time of year, Los Angeles has various destinations that help make this experience all the better. Some examples are Little Tokyo, Venice Beach, and the Santa Monica Pier. These destinations are more than perfect for the 4th of July, as AX is always overlapping this holiday.
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
My next few cosplays are a little up in the air. I have a lot of cosplays I want to do, but I am unsure of what order I will do them. Keep an eye out for Keith(Voltron), Uraraka(Boku No Hero Academia), Sango(Inuyasha) or even Alucard(Castlevania).
Adonis Cosplay

Cosplay: Nyx (with Aranea and Noctis, from Final Fantasy 15)

Cosplay: Kakashi (Naruto)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
My favorite moment by far was being able to meet and hang out with so many people that I only knew from online. I have a ton of cosplay friends from Facebook and Instagram that I get to see once or twice a year. So, spending time with those guys is definitely my favorite part.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
Con crunch was really difficult this year. There was a lot of staying up until 5-6am and missing fun events with my friends and family. I just put my nose to the grindstone and focused on getting everything done by using my time wisely. So, basically – no video games, fewer times going out in the evenings, basically zero lazy days (which is super hard to do haha). The crunch was real this year.
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
My advice for people during con crunch is first just starting way earlier than you think you need to. Second is having some inspiration material ready. I watched Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive 3-4 times throughout my con crunch (by watched, I mean I put it on in the background while working on my Nyx cosplay). Keeping the motivation for a character high will help you complete it, and prevent you from hating yourself. Lastly, try to get as much sleep as possible. After a few days with little sleep, you start to make a lot more mistakes and things don’t function properly. So keep up on sleep and, of course, stay hydrated.
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
Anime Expo is so massive and there is so much talent there that, each time I go, I’m so geared up to work on more cosplays. It gives you so much inspiration to do better and cosplay new characters. I left AX with like 4 new cosplay character ideas, which is a blessing and a curse. So many new characters, but so much time spent making them haha.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Well first, it is the biggest anime convention in the country. So it’s going to be WAY more crowded than anything you’ve ever been to. The vendor room feels like it’s miles long and you never see everything. The cosplays are top notch and people are so kind about taking photos. It’s my favorite con to go to because everything is turned up to the max!
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
I have a few cosplays that will probably be just quick, thrown together ones and a few that will be big projects. I’m quickly going to put together Shiro from Voltron and Kimimaro from Naruto. My big projects that I’m working on next will be Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core and Bakugo from My Hero Academia. I’m not entirely certain which con I’m going to next. I have a break until my next one, but I’m always looking for more. So, if anyone wants me to be at a con near them, definitely let me and the convention know and maybe we could work out a way to make it happen! I love traveling all over for conventions so I’ll jump at any opportunity to do so.

Cosplay: NoFlutter Warrior Sailor Moon

Cosplay: Ryuko (Kill la Kill)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
It’s really hard to pick, so I guess I’ll pick a day!? I was really excited to debut my NoFlutter Warrior Sailor Moon cosplay, as it was my first big armor project. It ended up going over well, and I had been really nervous about doing a new “style” of cosplay, so it felt good.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
NOT VERY WELL. I got everything done, but barely. I literally packed and left RIGHT after I finished the last part of my last WIP cosplay. Usually, I’m better at planning.
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
Each day leading up to the con, re-evaluate what you are REALISTICALLY capable of making in that period of time leading up to the con. It’s better to have to drop one cosplay and make your others to a higher standard than forcing yourself to make one more and have it turn out sub-par. Focus on GROUP cosplays first so you don’t disappoint your friends. Solos should be last priority since you are the only person dependent on it.
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
It made me want to STEP UP MY GAME. I loved how well my armor went over, so now I definitely want to bring an armor project or two next year!
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
It’s the largest anime con in North America! If you want a con that you’ll be super hyped at, it’s a solid choice! There are a lot of events to go to, and the cosplay is the best I’ve seen at any con. It’s a cosplayer haven, a lot of talented photographers who can’t wait to shoot awesome cosplay!
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
I’ll be at Game On Expo in Phoenix next month! I’m hopefully creating a new Goddess Symmetra cosplay, but if not I’ll be wearing my old Default Symmetra cosplay, and a couple of other video game cosplays – likely, one or both versions of my Mad Moxxi.

Cosplay: Genos (One Punch Man)

Cosplay: Ignis (Final Fantasy 15)
1. What was your favorite cosplay moment at Anime Expo 2017?
My favorite cosplay moment was probably getting to cosplay Genos from One Punch Man for Viz Media. Genos is my favorite cosplay I’ve ever done, and one of my favorite anime characters, so getting to represent him as an official cosplayer was amazing, and a personal triumph.
2. Leading up to AX, how did you handle the dreaded con crunch?
I’m usually pretty good about con crunch lately. I plan ahead of time and actually set a schedule of what I need to do each day in order to be absolutely sure I’m ready for the con.
3. Do you have any advice for cosplayers during crunch time?
Make sure you remember to eat, get some rest and, f you’re getting frustrated, step away from it for a bit. Nobody does good work out of frustration! Well, maybe someone does. But most people don’t.
4. How did your time at Anime Expo this year impact you as a cosplayer?
It was just great to meet a lot of people that inspire me, and hang out with them. Big conventions always light a fire in me to step up my cosplay game.
5. For anyone out there who has yet to attend AX, can you share how this con differs from other conventions you’ve been to?
Be prepared to set an hour aside to get anywhere you need to go. This convention is HUGE. I can tell you that and you still won’t be prepared. It’s massive.
6. What cosplays can we hope to see from you next, and at what con?
Next up will be Ravus from Final Fantasy XV. I’ll be wearing it for the first time at Florida Supercon. I’m looking forward to it!
Well, there you have it! A review of Anime Expo through the eyes of a cosplayer! I do have to agree – AX was huge and for anyone planning to attend next year, make sure to stay hydrated and be prepared for those long lines! But, the wait and that dreaded con crunch will all be worth it once you’re inside, surrounded by a flood of amazing cosplays! It sure was worth it for us, and apparently for these cosplayers as well! We hope to see them and all you other cosplayers next year at Anime Expo!