Featured Cosplayer | Trickster Redux

Hello fellow Geeks! Who here missed seeing their favorite cosplayers and reading about their epic journies? Well, we're back with your weekly dose of Featured...

Cosplay Calendar – BigChris Edition!

Remember that super hot, completely awesome made-by-the-AZ-cosplayers-themselves Cosplay Calendar from last year? They’re baaaaaaaaack! With a freaking sweet new business name, an expanded line-up of beautiful...

The Cost of Custom Cosplay: Where Does the Money Go?

So you're interested in getting yourself a custom cosplay from a seamstress or costume maker, but the cost they quoted you had you mildly nauseous?
nipahdubs interview

Featured Cosplayer | NipahDUBS

Hello fellow Geeks! This week, we travel to the big ol' acres of Texas where we find the amazingly talented cosplayer NipahDUBS. Having been...

World Cosplay Summit 2017 | World Cosplay Championship 2nd Stage

Every year, cosplayers from multiple countries compete to become the top representatives of their country, getting to travel to and compete in the World...

Costume Resources: The Price We Pay

Right now is a great time to be a costumer. For the first time, probably ever, costuming resources are at their best. Forces like...

Anime Expo 2017 | COSPLAY TIME

Hello fellow Geeks! With summer blazing that heat right in our faces, it can only mean one thing - the summer convention season is...

Featured Cosplayer | TheFinalEndeavour

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week, we have another local Arizona cosplayer who has built up quite a reputation for his large...
anime expo 2016

ANIME EXPO 2016 welcomes its cosplay guests!

Joshua Hart is the costume designer, fashion designer, model, and commissioner behind J.Hart Design, a brand which he has created to showcase his award-winning...

Featured Cosplayer: Shattered Stitch

Welcome back to our "Featured Cosplayer" section my friends! We have been on hiatus for a while but will be back on track featuring...

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