Cosplay Corner: Convention Prep

Hello all! I'm sorry for my absence as of late, I've been CRAZY busy! So, since my mind is just filled with pre-convention procedures,...

Featured Cosplayer | TheFinalEndeavour

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week, we have another local Arizona cosplayer who has built up quite a reputation for his large...

Commissioning Cosplays: The Pros and Cons of Custom Costumes

Everyone has a dream costume, but not everyone has the ability to create it themselves.  Sadly, a negative shroud has fallen over the cosplay...

Featured Cosplayer | Maise Designs Seamstress

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where, once a week, we introduce you to cosplayers that you should...

6 Months of Baby Cosplay

I have a hard time believing that I have been a mom for six months. It seems like forever and hardly at all at...

Featured Cosplayer | GunplaladyCosplay

Hey there, fellow Geeks! We're back at it again, coming to you with pure beauty and talent, finished with a heart of gold. From...

Cosplay Night at Lights of the World!

Courtesy of the wonderful people at the Lights of the World event, we got to do a fun holiday photo walk late last year. With...

Featured Cosplayer | Bakasoseji

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week, we're stepping out of our home states and traveling to the lovely land of Sweden, where...

Featured Cosplayer: Leah Rose

One of our featured photographers, Eric Fiallos, had the wonderful opportunity to interview and do an exclusive photoshoot with Leah Rose while at Amazing...
Tracer cosplay

Featured Cosplayer | Stacey Roy

Welcome back to the Geek News Network’s Featured Cosplayer page! This is where we introduce you to cosplayers that you should know about. This week,...

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