Cosplay Corner: Convention Prep

Hello all! I'm sorry for my absence as of late, I've been CRAZY busy! So, since my mind is just filled with pre-convention procedures,...

Featured Cosplayer | Sunchild Cosplay

Greetings fellow geeks! We have the immense pleasure of introducing you to our Featured Cosplayer this week, Sunchild Cosplay! She is a professional cosplayer...

Sol Black – Advice for Budget Cosplaying

Phoenix Comicon recently passed us by, leaving all of us cosplayers with ideas and anxiousness for another year. Several other cities are getting ready to...
Game On Expo 2017

A Look At GAME ON EXPO 2017 | Cosplay Edition

Photos published with permission and taken at Game On Expo 2017 by: Connor Heinzmann All rights reserved. Please visit our Flickr page for more photos of events we...

The Fan Voice Cosplay Spotlight: Lunar Lyn (Mini Documentary)

The Fan Voice's first Cosplay Spotlight shines on Lunar Lyn. A cosplayer full of passion, joy and a mass of intricate skill. She is constantly...


Photos published with permission and taken at Kansas City Comic Con 2017 by: Anthony J. Collins of Melon Pop Lighting assist by Fox Williamson of...

Cosplay 101

I was recently sent this message by the lovely Ms. Melissa: “I’m looking to get into cosplay. Do you have any info on how...
airfield photoshoot

Cosplay Corner | Airfield Photoshoot

Photos taken at an abandoned airplane boneyard by: Hong Le of Geek News Network Lighting assist by Fox Williamson of Cosplay Close-Up Cosplayers: Sean Leon aka Cracked Vessel Projects...

Saboten Con 2014 presents the World Cosplay Summit – Southwest Regionals

One of Saboten Con’s primary goals is the support and growth of the cosplay community. Year by year, we have focused on featuring some...

A look at TAIYOU CON 2018

Another year has gone by, another great event at Taiyou Con. We have been covering Taiyou Con for 6 years now so there's nothing...

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