Featured Cosplayer | Moderately Okay Cosplay

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week, we travel east coast to the sunny (and very humid, but lovely!) state of Florida. Amongst...

Cosplay Corner – Red Sonja: the Battle, the Bikini, the Bruises

Fair Warning: This post is looong at 1200 words. I'm a pretty verbose lady. ;) As most of you already know, or soon will, I...

Featured Cosplayer | Sunchild Cosplay

Greetings fellow geeks! We have the immense pleasure of introducing you to our Featured Cosplayer this week, Sunchild Cosplay! She is a professional cosplayer...

Featured Cosplayer | Krash Cosplay

Hello fellow Geeks! It's cosplay time! This week we're featuring the beautiful Krash Cosplay, who comes to us from the surprisingly lively desert known...

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