The Mega Men Podcast #48: Is Katie Holmes Dead?

Matt and Chris discuss why Justin Bieber doesn't matter, classic video game magazines, buying a medical marijuana card in Los Angeles, getting pulled over...

The Mega Men Podcast #47: Yippie-kay-yay, Mr. Falcon

Matt and Chris talk about the Family Guy/Simpsons cross-over episode, the Magic: The Gathering card game movie, why Michael Bay is actually a good...

CFG Podcast #7 Best of 2013

  Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #7 Best of 2013!  Davies, Chiba, and T-Dot ring in the new year by listing their...

12 PACK: Abusive Parrots

Nothing to talk about when you're hanging around the water cooler? Make sure to keep up with the nerd news you need to know...

The Mega Men Podcast #46: The Internet Has Destroyed This Generation

Chris and Matt talk about how they think critics get paid off for their reviews and use Indiana Jones: The Kingdom of the Crystal...

The Mega Men Podcast #45: Hobbits, Dwarves and Mosh Pits

Matt and Chris go in-depth on The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. They also discuss the recent legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado and...

12 PACK: Cat’leth

Keep up to date with the Nerd News you need to know in this tasty installment of The 12 PACK! In this episode: Shia LeBeouf is...

12- PACK: Jack-Off Anonymous

The 3 Drunk Geeks are back with their first nerd news podcast of 2014! Be sure and stay up to date with the nerd...

CFG Podcast #6 Giant Size

  Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #6 Giant Size!  The CFG crew bring guest host Sara Moni along for the ride in...


They say it's better late then never.  Well folks, we have a super late Christmas Special! In this tardy episode of 3DG, James, Neil...

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