Comic Review: Captain Marvel Volume 2

Whereas Kelly Sue Deconnick's first Captain Marvel volume focused on Carol Danvers' struggle to accept herself as an Avenger and former Kree-lover, Captain Marvel volume 2...

Comic Review: Captain Marvel Vol. 1

From her graphically pulsing tumblr to her relationship with a certain Hawkguy, Kelly Sue Deconnick has a finger on the comics scene with or...

Trinity War Redux: Chapter One – The Death Card

Geoff Johns is something of a planner. He wrote Green Lantern for nine years, and plot points found within the final issues were seeded back...

“’68” Comic Review

’68: Better Run Through the Jungle delivers what you would expect from a series about zombies set during the war in Vietnam: buckets of...

“Punk Rock Jesus” Comic Review

Murphy is probably best known for his artistic endeavors on titles like American Vampire and the recently released (and thoroughly intriguing) The Wake. Apparently...

“Ecko Rising” Book Review

In this sci-fi/fantasy mash-up debut, author Danie Ware sets the stage for a potentially enthralling trilogy. Ecko Rising starts us off in a dystopian London where...

Saga Vol. 1 Review

Saga’s been the talk of the comic town since it first hit stands back in March 2012, and rightly so. Praise had been pretty...

Comic Book Review: Saga Vol. 2

Saga Vol. 1 left off on a completely new direction for the book. Not to say I didn’t enjoy the first volume ─ I...

Stephen King’s Joyland: Death And Rebirth Of A Champion

My fondest memories from childhood are those spent late at night with a flashlight in hand. Whether under the covers in my room ruining...

Guy Adams’ Novel “Deadbeat” is Missing Something: Class?

Ah, the dreaded negative review. Here's the downside of my job, because honestly they are a struggle to write. I wanted to enjoy Guy...

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