“Ms. Marvel #1” Comic Review

Ms. Marvel #1 represents the kind of risk worth taking in the current comic landscape and is the perfect example of how controversy can...

“Forever Evil #5” Comic Review

Forever Evil #5 is another strong push forward in writer Geoff Johns' compelling villian-centric event. Even with only two issues left to go, the...

A World Guinness Record Attempt at Amazing Arizona Comic Con ’14

Have you ever wanted to be famous? Even just a little bit? Sure you have, everyone does once in awhile. Even if you aren’t...

A look at Amazing Arizona Comic Con 2014

Not every comic convention is so Amazing that it takes you an entire week afterward to recover. Well, Jimmy S Jay's Amazing! Arizona Comic...

“Guardians of the Galaxy #11.NOW” Comic Review

Guardians of the Galaxy #11.NOW is another solid issue of a series that has been nothing short of consistent since it began. Couple this...

“Night of the Living Deadpool #2” Comic Review

Night of the Living Deadpool has a short tenure as a four-issue miniseries, so that this second issue is a vast improvement on the...

“Saga #18” Comic Review

It feels like far too long since there’s been an issue of Saga but when a series leaves on such a somber note as...

“Empire of the Dead #1” Comic Review

George A. Romero. Just the name alone elicits some of the most ghastly images of his storied film career as a zombie auteur. His...

“Harley Quinn #2” Comic Review

It’s still in its infancy but Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti’s Harley Quinn series looks like it’s going to blossom into a special kind...

“All-New X-Men #22.NOW” Comic Review

Brian Michael Bendis’ All-New X-Men #22.NOW is poised to be the perfect jumping-on point for readers looking to experience an all-new crossover event called...

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