Before Comicon: Interview with Gigi Edgley

This coming week, Phoenix will be crawling with geeks of every type imaginable as their annual Comicon takes place. I received the chance to interview Gigi Edgley,...

PSY and MINECRAFT Collide for a Mind-Blowing Mash-Up Video Parody

We just received some very interesting and intriguing news from Secret Service PR that Red 5 Studios and have teamed up to bring you...

Pirates Playing Music – The Dread Crew of Oddwood

  I’m not sure why I didn’t do this earlier, but I wanted to promote one of my new favorite bands with you all, while...

Metro: Last Light Game Review

Story: Metro: Last Light is a sequel to Metro 2033, which is a game based on the book of the same name written by Russian...

Top 11 Things to Do (to be a dick) at Phoenix ComicCon 2013

Most people don't need instructions on how to be a dick at a convention; they take cuts in line, block vendors from potential customers,...

“The Iceman” Movie Review

  Ever since I saw the 2004 Michael Mann film Collateral, I have been fascinated with the contract killer way of life. It’s definitely not...

Cult Classics presents THE GOONIES & THE MONSTER SQUAD

Cult Classics, Phoenix, Arizona's most popular repertory film series, brings you an exciting all-ages double feature on May 18th as we have kids in peril fighting...

Cosplay Calendar – BigChris Edition!

Remember that super hot, completely awesome made-by-the-AZ-cosplayers-themselves Cosplay Calendar from last year? They’re baaaaaaaaack! With a freaking sweet new business name, an expanded line-up of beautiful...

“Star Trek Into Darkness” Movie Review

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far way…no, wait, that’s not right. Space, the final frontier. Yes, that’s it. Is that tag...

10 Comic Books Worth Checking Out This Week (05/15/2013)

Hello Comic Book Fandom: Each week Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing, BOOM! Studios, and others release comic books every...

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