naoko takeuchi sailor moon

The Real History Of Sailor Moon vs. A Viral Meme

We want to set the record straight on a recent viral post about Sailor Moon and its creator, Naoko Takeuchi.
kate flannery

Not Just Another Day at The Office: An Interview with Kate Flannery

We got a chance to sit down with the extremely funny and talented Kate Flannery to talk about her career, how she developed her various talents, her time on The Office, and what she’s been up to since.
Jackie Kashian Featured Image

Comedy Edu-Kashian from Comedian Jackie Kashian

Jackie Kashian has been doing standup comedy for over 35 years. In 2006 she transitioned to podcasts and has never looked back.
andy weir the martian

An Interview with ‘The Martian’ Author Andy Weir

We sat down with Andy Weir recently to talk about his career; his latest novel, Project Hail Mary (which released on May 5), and his advice for aspiring writers. There’s also a brief review of Andy’s new novel after the interview.

Character Meet and Greets at Disneyland!

Meeting Mickey Mouse and all of the characters has to be the best part of Disneyland for my daughter and millions of children around...

Who’s the Baddest of Them All? GNN Takes a Look at the Greatest Movie...

Who's the Baddest of Them All? We took a look at the Greatest Movie Villains of all time with surveys we sent out earlier this year. Did your pick make it?
jim florentine

Every Interview is Awful (Except This One!) | An Interview with Comedian Jim Florentine

Check out our interview with stand-up comedian, actor, author and television personality, Jim Florentine. He is best known for co-hosting That Metal Show on VH1 Classic and voicing several characters on Crank Yankers.
Trevor Moore Guitar

You Want (Trevor) Moore? We Got (Trevor) Moore!

Trevor Moore, known for The Whitest Kids U' Know, and The Trevor Moore Show sits down with GNN to talk comedy, life, and his upcoming work.

Getting Started With Pixel Art – 3 Fun DIY Projects

                 When people hear the word pixel art, they probably imagine the graphics from the 8-bit and 16-bit video games of yesteryear. Today, while...


Many towns are lousy with crude, spray painted signs advising you to Google chemtrails. Conspiracy nuts hold that chemtrails are evidence that the government is...

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