“Jobs” Movie Review

jobs-posterIf you know me then you would know that I’ve never been a fan of anything involving Apple. I find that all of their devices are absurdly proprietary and looked upon as a type of “elitist” subsection of electronics. I do agree with some people that they tend to be on the easier to use side but that is not necessarily a qualification for something being better. Nevertheless, I can definitely see why people enjoy their products and I see the inherit value in certain things they do, but I have never been the type to follow the trends that they try to shove down the throats of average consumers. Steve Jobs has always been synonymous with the Apple brand and he has always been the one to thank for making Apple the company it is today. Jobs is the new film by director Joshua Michael Stern that chronicles the birth of Apple through the vision of the late Steve Jobs.

Ashton Kutcher portrays Jobs and the film steps through some of his time at Reed College and meanders to his eventual unveiling of the original iPod. Through this path you witness his somewhat “hippie” origins where he disliked to wear shoes and enjoyed taking acid on a daily basis. He eventually begins a tight-knit friendship with Steve Wozniak (Josh Gad) who is more of the technical side of their relationship while Jobs is shown as more of the advertising and PR backbone. Wozniak has created the first build of the first ever Apple computer and Jobs wants to help get it into the homes of everyone in the world.

Steve Jobs was an asshole and everyone knows it. The film allows Kutcher to show off his acting talent and portray the real-life man in the way he should be remembered. From Jobs’ staggered walk to his irreverent way of speaking with people, Kutcher is able to nail his personality to the best of his ability. Within almost every scene, Kutcher chews up the screen and makes his depiction of Jobs as memorable as the man himself. My only complaint would have to be with Kutcher’s voice. He isn’t known for performing different vocal impersonations and he didn’t try to do anything new for this film. Due to that, every time that I heard him speak my brain automatically took me out of the film and made me think of Kutcher’s character Kelso from That 70’s Show. It’s a minor complaint in comparison to everything he does phenomenally well in the film, but it’s something worth mentioning nonetheless.


Aside from Kutcher’s performance, the supporting cast of the film is definitely a highlight. Josh Gad’s representation of Steve Wozniak gave the film a comedic flair that helps lighten the otherwise dramatic mood seen throughout. You are able to sympathize with the man as he comes to terms with what his friendship with Jobs really means and how he has to put-up with Jobs’ eccentric personality. Dermot Mulroney is also able to steal some screen time playing Mike Markkula who is the first big investor and believer in Jobs’ vision. Mulroney shows off someone who is willing to take a chance on a possible innovator but also a person who knows when someone is way over their head. All in all, the cast is able to help elevate Kutcher’s portrayal and make it something worth watching.

To see how much of a prick Steve Jobs truly was is an interesting viewing experience. There is a lot about his life that I was entirely unfamiliar with and I feel that this film facilitated a need to know more about the man. Nonetheless, Jobs is a good but not great bio-pic that allows the world to see a much different point of view of Steve Jobs than the one that we have all come to know.


Find Brian (Turbo) on Facebook.com/turbizl or Twitter @turbizl

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FrvkCS0ZGPU]

About the Movie

Synopsis: A bio-pic chronicling Steve Jobs’ life and the start of Apple Inc.

Director: Joshua Michael Stern

Actors: Ashton Kutcher, Josh Gad, Dermot Mulroney, Mathew Modine

Rated: PG-13

Run time: 122 min

apple, Aston Kutcher, jobs, Josh Gad, Joshua Michael Stern, Steve Jobs

Just call me “Turbo” because it sums me up in a single word. I’m originally from Visalia, California but currently reside in Mesa, Arizona. I’m a movie and video game fanatic with a BA in Film and Media Production from ASU. I try to see every movie that I can (new and old) as well as play the latest video game releases. My goal in life would be to create a feature length film which viewers absolutely love. However, until then I love to entertain people with my 100+ voice impersonations as well as fill them in with the latest movie/ gaming news on Twitter. Facebook.com/turbizl, Twitter: @turbizl

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