New Arrow Costume Revealed at SDCC. And It’s Beautiful.


Cosplayers, get ready to add a new costume to your to-make list – We have a new costume reveal! Oliver Queen’s suit for season four was revealed this past Saturday at San Diego Comic-Con. Designed by Arrow’s costume designer, Maya Mani, it looks like Oliver is ditching the sleeves and opting for more leather. If you’re a fan of the New 52 look, this new costume might look pretty familiar to you. I know I am loving this new look and can’t wait to see it in action later this year.

New 52 Green Arrow
New 52 Green Arrow

San Diego Comic-Con attendees were also treated to a recap video of Season 3, which you can watch below:

Arrow will be returning to The CW on Wednesday, October 7.

Arrow, green arrow costume, san diego comic con, sdcc15
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Nichole "Itty Bitty Geek" Nance is a cosplayer, blogger, full-time college student, and GNN's Editor-in-Chief. In her free time, she manages her personal blog "Itty Bitty Geek" where she gives updates on her costumes and other life adventures. You can follow Nichole on all of her social media sites under Itty Bitty Geek, or check out her blog at:

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