The Colbert Report Signs Off

The Colbert Report is signing off, and Stephen Colbert will be leaving his satire political show on Comedy Central. I felt myself have manly tears in my eyes as I watched his last show. Having started the show in 2005, a spinoff of “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart, it had become a voice for a new generation, and a laugh during some dark times of politics. Colbert will be leaving to take over David Letterman’s Late Night Show, a big leap for a man who started off as a standup comic. But, did Colbert get the send off he deserved? Leading up to the faithful day almost felt like a countdown to loosing an old friend. We got to see some big name guests, even President Barack Obama came on and read “The Word”. But, when the date finally came, I tuned in; ready to watch a man I had admired and laughed with since 2005 end his broadcast.

The show started with huge applause from the audience, and Colbert confirming he had sold his desk and fireplace for charity, raising over $300,000. He did a few last minute segments, including a rather touching last “The Word”, and some recap of shows past. But, when it looked like the show was coming to an end, something truly wonderful happened. Stephen, who has been known for having some great vocal chops, began serenading us all with his rendition of “We’ll Meet Again”. Before I know it, none other than the man who started it all, Jon Stewart joined him. With that, more and more guests and friends of the show crowded the stage and sung with Colbert and the audience. When it was over, we got to see the stage one more time.

Honestly, it broke my heart, but, it also made me happy. I was happy to see Stephen moving onto bigger and better things. I’m excited to see him change late night television. Though it was like seeing an old friend leave, it was also getting the satisfaction that they were going to do big and exciting things. So, good luck to you Stephen! You made us all laugh and think at the same time, something we as a nation needed. We will always be a Colbert Nation, and that is the truthiness.

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